how to increase player base?

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Re: how to increase player base?

Post by KaneThun »

Since birth, I have been given the ability to read minds, let me demonstrate by reading Kane's...

*goes into a trance...the mind-reader rubs the temple of his head with his fingers as his face exhibits great concentration...10 seconds pass by...and then he whispers*

you are just retard

i saw someone asking this already but didnt see any answer. Did gms noticed any difference in account creating when we were at top 10?

and i have an idea. a place where reds and blues can be without pvp rpying and all... something like training grounds. where you can go by some magic portal
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Re: how to increase player base?

Post by Andoriel »

from personal experience new dedicated server is unpredictable(still better then irmings on 2d). Some nights its near lag free some nights I have lag spikes like hell. And since i am not a bank chuckler I log in one every 3 days to check connection, see that it lags, and log out.
Something tells me I am not the only NA that does that. Soo myeahh bringing 3.00c would increase activity.
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Re: how to increase player base?

Post by Dalton »

I think Boris is right when it comes to new players. Pangaea just doesnt work without newbies. The whole economy system is built in a way that will only work out if you have newbies to buy newbie stuff. Now if the economy isnt working, everything else is pretty much dead and the motivation for oldies to stick around just fades...

So IMO this threads question really becomes "how to increase the newbie ratio?".
Mary Manatee wrote:Give lots of custom made gifts to the players and don't call it a role play shard.
Im sorry, but this is stupid, even though the last half of this statement sure looks like pangaea nowadays, this is NOT what pangaea is supposed to be!

Re: how to increase player base?

Post by xHarlequinx »

I think that Boris' point is that there no new players, period. They don't exist, or at the very least they're very rare. There's a limited pool of potential players out there, so to be hoping for a huge playerbase is just unrealistic.

The new website will be a key component for re-engaging old players and potentially getting our share of the rare new players. Likewise, I agree that the dedicated server does offer additional professionalism and reinforce that this is somewhere worth playing (it's not going to disappear).

I agree that it's currently a bit too difficult for new players to begin.

I know that there are some people who randomly started here from what I remember... it would be interested to get their thoughts and first impressions. How did they get here? What's their experience been like so far?

Another community that could be tapped for new players is general gaming groups. For example, when I used to play Warhammer Online I used to play with a gaming group called Aureus Knights that sort of go from MMORPG to MMORPG. These types of groups might be a good source of new players once we have our new website up.
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Re: how to increase player base?

Post by Jessica »

fix it completely.
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Re: how to increase player base?

Post by Mag'etherian »

I agree, starting with nothing but a dagger is harsh. You should start with enough cash to buy say basic leather/weapon from an NPC. Granted we have the fields to harvest to help getting starter cash, until you constantly get killed by veteran players. That would get old fast. It's also not a great way to keep people interested in playing. "Hey welcome to Pangaea, now die." Now... sure, we also have the donation bins behind Britain bank for gear, which comes empty pretty fast. Where's it all going if we're not getting any new players?

Another idea would be enforcing at least 1 dungeon to baseclass friendly, no PvP at all inside. Take Despise for instance. Block the outside entrance off with rocks and pretend it's not there anymore. The only way inside Despise is by a switch or something inside the newbie training grounds. Despise will also have a switch to take you back to the newbie training grounds. Possibly even re-do the whole dungeon to make it completely baseclass friendly. Removing spiders (as I seen mentioned before), casters, anything that a baseclass can't handle. We do have weak mobs spawned on Ocllo now. Although that place has also got some toughies for beginners. Forest Lords, Gargoyles among other mobs a "new player" would simply die 1 hit by.

Main point is, we need this place to be more "newbie friendly" if we're trying to get new players here and keep them here. Or even to aquire old schoolers who've lost their accounts due to inactivty, such as I had done and various others. So by suggesting a total newb friendly dungeon to help them aquire some cash and gear while training skills to class while earning some extra to get better equipment like platemail sets/better weapons for when they class and not have to worry about losing it every time they want to go hunting and train skills while classing to another player. I know that a baseclass can't be "robbed", but any creatures near your corpse could wander and loot it before you got back, which sucks. It's happened to me before. Reverse Robin Hood motive - Take from the poor, give to the rich.
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Re: how to increase player base?

Post by KaneThun »

so why staff dont put new chars to start with a normal leather, 2kgold, a dagger, 5 carrots?
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Re: how to increase player base?

Post by Boris »

There's a newbie package coming. It's on 2DO.

- Boris
Leather armor is best for sneaking, because it's literally made from hide.

Re: how to increase player base?

Post by xHarlequinx »

I don't think there's any need for a newbie-only dungeon. This would be even more frustrating, in that if you did die there, there's no way anyone could help you.

From my experience being robbed as a "newbie", it was an entirely civil, well-roleplayed event and I think is an important part of Pangaea/UO. I know that the other person who got robbed with me took it as a sign that they needed to get stronger so they could actually fight the robbers if it happened again. (I think both of us were just robbed of our weapons, nothing else).
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Re: how to increase player base?

Post by Glarundis »

i think there are players out there. you can just say that there are not many players who want to play on rp shards.
but from the online counts on other shards i see shards with hundreds of players.

we need a reason for newbies to come, that's for sure. then we need a reason for them to stick around.
and we need a reason for oldies to stay. (i myself haven't logged (except for refreshes) in some weeks now because there's NOTHING to do. no pvp, no rp sessions, no pvm, nothing. unless you're 24/7 and you find the rare occasion. but i mean, when you come here on weekends, friday night, all saturday, all sunday, and you see that nothing happens during all that time, no hunts, nothing, you know something's wrong. this just makes me log off and retry in one day or two to see what's up, but when it's been weeks like this, i give up. and now with school i don't even log uoam (i used to log uoam all the time even when not playing)

activity generates activity. we all know pangaea is great, we all know how addicted we have been to this during a part of our lives, because there was just so many things happening every day that you had to be a part of it.
if there's nothing like that, it sucks. i cba hunting alone, this game sucks as single player game, i'd rather have a char who struggles to kill pirates but do it with friends than have a char who can solo a balron, it just gets boring quickly.

now, the other thing we need is, like i said before, make this game fun and not a chore. it's a chore when you have to spend hours and hours to get a few bones then the tailor fails, then the smith fails, then you spend another gazillion hours, finally you have your set after merchants failed all the time, then you get robbed and lose it all, then there are skills that take all the time to train, etc. i'm not really worried about the skills tbh, it's good to not have everyone heightened in 2 weeks.
but the hunting part and the economy and that crap is like, seriously wtf is the point? so that after shitloads of hours i have this set which isn't that good anyways?and why should i bother having the best stuff to hunt better stuff or pvp against better guys if there's no one around to do it with?

once again, it's nicer to pvp in radlius vs radlius than to have dskulls and be alone
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