Town Siege

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Re: Town Siege

Post by Simmo »

And how do you think 12h straight online? Its just enough if attacking party goes away for 30min and already a single headpriest can cast Siege on the stone and its over. For me even that 8+ hour makes no sense as you actually wont gain much and theres veryvery big chance to loose it also.

Ares said that it should be hard. It aint hard, its just annoying.
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Biggs »

Simmo wrote:And how do you think 12h straight online? Its just enough if attacking party goes away for 30min and already a single headpriest can cast Siege on the stone and its over. For me even that 8+ hour makes no sense as you actually wont gain much and theres veryvery big chance to loose it also.

Ares said that it should be hard. It aint hard, its just annoying.
Well maybe that penilty timer should be for nature and tekstone and imperial and law get normal timers then?
Cruxis Bane
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Cruxis Bane »

I would say wait to cast judgements until people actually start siegeing as no one has even attempted it yet and there is only one town out there to siege.
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Sounds great, although I do have a little concern.

1. How long does the siege ritual take to cast? Especially by the defending side.
2. Why does it take only 60 piety to re-capture the town?

The 2. is actually my main problem because I can already picture the following scenario to happen: Attacking side has kept the town for 5-7 hours straight. After that a few Law/Imperial priests log in, rush to the siege stone, few of them spam veritas, one cast guards and the HP cast siege on the stone. The siege is over and everyone go to log out. This is why I'm also interested about the 1: If casting the ritual in order to re-capture takes 5 minutes, then I can see the above won't be so huge of a problem... otherwise I think it should take at least 120 piety (Therefore, at least 3 priests)

This is just something that with my years of experience I know will happen. I'd hate to see some people (Probably either Tekstone or Imperial) be the first to try it, spend lots of time on it only to lose it in 5-10 minutes.
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Demian »

Darian Darkmind wrote:Sounds great, although I do have a little concern.

1. How long does the siege ritual take to cast? Especially by the defending side.
2. Why does it take only 60 piety to re-capture the town?

The 2. is actually my main problem because I can already picture the following scenario to happen: Attacking side has kept the town for 5-7 hours straight. After that a few Law/Imperial priests log in, rush to the siege stone, few of them spam veritas, one cast guards and the HP cast siege on the stone. The siege is over and everyone go to log out. This is why I'm also interested about the 1: If casting the ritual in order to re-capture takes 5 minutes, then I can see the above won't be so huge of a problem... otherwise I think it should take at least 120 piety (Therefore, at least 3 priests)

This is just something that with my years of experience I know will happen. I'd hate to see some people (Probably either Tekstone or Imperial) be the first to try it, spend lots of time on it only to lose it in 5-10 minutes.
Like it was said. Not supposed to be easy.
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Jyrgen »

The main problem with this siege system in my opinion is that people will start conquering cities during night, almost no effort needed even other than getting 300 piety together. So probably we are going to see cities swapping guards on a daily basis...
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Glarundis »

nah. if this was like 4 hours, i could see it, but 8 hours?who's going to stay from like midnight to 8 am?
the only ppl that are probably trying to attempt it are imperial due to our timezones.
the others who try it are either unemployed or crazy

Re: Town Siege

Post by Ares »

We've all had different opinions on the timers, but settled on 10 minutes per guard to begin with.. The arguments have been something like:
- Long timers will make it impossible, and not realistic.
- Shorter timers will make it too easy. considering the impact on the players who have houses (and a big investment) in that city
- Shorter timers will create a timezone discrepancy, as a mainly American religion can take a town while the Europeans are asleep and vice versa.

We've set each guard now to 10 minutes, and it's fairly easy for us to adjust that timer, either in the script, or just by regulating how many guards exist in each city.

We'll see how it goes. As mentioned, this is a first testrun, and none of us (including you) can predict the outcome of this.
Glarundis wrote:let me see if i understand
the attacking side just needs to cast the stone and wait?they don't have to kill the guards? (they will have to kill the ones on the way to the stone though) or do they have to kill a guard, and after 10m that guard died it will change allegiance?
also, if defending side comes and ends the siege, all the guards go back to defending religion side (spawn or alive) or the same happens, but they also fully respawn?
The attacking side casts on the stone and waits, yes. The guards spawn as usual though, and they still have to fight off the original religion, their allies and possibly anyone intrested in keeping that city for the religion (people who own houses for example).

1 guard will be converted every 10 minutes, regardless if it's dead or not. If the guard is dead it will just respawn as the opposing religions guard (if it was it's turn in the queue to be converted).

If the original owners dispells the siege, all guards are converted back. Both the guards alive and the guards in the spawnqueue, but they will not respawn untill it's their time as usual.

Edit: 8 chants either way Darian. 60 piety because it's supposed to be easier to hold a city than take one. Remember that you will be on the defending side one day too.
Last edited by Ares on Thu Oct 04, 2012 9:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Jyrgen »

That's the point - imperial could just wait till all of the european laws have gone to bed and then cast the rite and then do whatever they want to do irl. And by the morning the city is theirs. Unless I'm missing something here about the siege system.

Re: Town Siege

Post by Ares »

Read what I wrote again. We've considered that and settled on 10 minutes to begin with. This is easy for us to regulate, so we'll see how it goes and adjust as we go along.
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