Whines and Complains about Pangaea

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Daren Priesten
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Re: Whines and Complains about Pangaea

Post by Daren Priesten »

I don't like this thread.

This should be constructive critisism and not direct flaming. Don't talk about classes unless it needs an improvement.

Starting after page 5 and on no more flaming ok???

Anyways, assassins need boost. Make stealth easier to get with hiding. That's all I ask atm! Make backstab chance for insta-kill. 50% (since it's really hard to do expecially if someone is running) Make it based off str. 1-2 damage for each str point of the assassin.
Kenyon Ahearn
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Re: Whines and Complains about Pangaea

Post by Kenyon Ahearn »

I Would like more Decorations to be craftable.

I would also like to be able to make decent money on my tailor/carp/cook xD

But meh, the Staff are doign a fantastic Job, very friendly and helpful!

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Geryn Farodae
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Re: Whines and Complains about Pangaea

Post by Geryn Farodae »

Mike wrote:Well a few points of damage on each it will reduce the time it takes to kill a dragon. Then again, it doesn't always work. I can do 3 damage on a Great with a lousy hit with a hekker, and by that logic, it's either entirely the bless' damage, or it has been modified out of existance.

I'm starting to think the bless works on a percentual basis, which is inceased by a lot if the target is of an enemy religion.
It's scripted for the damage to be random. Kinda like a primitive D&D set up. Anyone ever notice sometimes a Critical Hit hits for 12 damage, and a normal hits deals 100+? Same thing.

The way I see it, is a "Good" quality used weapon, once blessed, will have the same hitting power as an unblessed perfect condition weapon. Besides, the damage is relative. The other day, hunting dragons, I used Hek for about five minutes before getting sick of it, and using a "good" condition snog scepter that never hit below 50 so *shrugs* it's kinda weird that way.
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Re: Whines and Complains about Pangaea

Post by Houston »

I have noticed that unblessed mauls have somekind of a "limit" of hitting trough armament blessed armors.

Wether i got a maul (lets say, its crafted of snograz or whatnot) and when i do not hit the priest with critical, i do like 50-70 dmg (max) and if i hit critical i do 110 (i got to be very lucky on the last one).

So, can the staff check the limitation of mauls perhaps? just wondering it seems that mauls gotta suck utterly against priests in pvp.

Also got some complains about hekranish.

Its +3 in effect against dragons, but i do more with iron maul of vanquishing against them. lol, it doesnt really make sence but i will figure out and try to give some ideas for you lads.
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Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: Whines and Complains about Pangaea

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Houston wrote:Also got some complains about hekranish.

Its +3 in effect against dragons, but i do more with iron maul of vanquishing against them. lol, it doesnt really make sence but i will figure out and try to give some ideas for you lads.
This was valuable information, I thought hekhranish is like the only way to beat a dragon really unless you want to spend an hour killing it.
Kent Strider

Re: Whines and Complains about Pangaea

Post by Kent Strider »

If this is true I would say hekranish needs a boost, not a great big giant one of course, just a small one. It should at least EQUAL anything else.
Geryn Farodae
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Re: Whines and Complains about Pangaea

Post by Geryn Farodae »

Kent Strider wrote:If this is true I would say hekranish needs a boost, not a great big giant one of course, just a small one. It should at least EQUAL anything else.
Agreed. My snograz scepter hits harder than it does. It's really, really strong hits are super random. Of coarse, I've hit for 240 once, but that was once. Every other time it's 2 damage to 34. Snograz is 20-90
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Re: Whines and Complains about Pangaea

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Heh, always when I've been gathering a dragon hunter team, the lack of a hekhranish weapon has been the nr 1 problem; a titan set is there but the hekh is missing. Really good to know vanq does the trick better.
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Re: Whines and Complains about Pangaea

Post by Quintoz »

Hm, that's wierd Kent becouse I did the same test.
Exp, perfect snograz = 1-25 + 1-3 poison.
Exp, perfect hekh = 1-300, I've hit 300 once on a great.
Exp, perfect tear = 5-25 + some cold.

So I think Hekh is definetly worth it, east to harvest by killing Lota's.

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Geryn Farodae
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Re: Whines and Complains about Pangaea

Post by Geryn Farodae »

I hunt dragons every night, and every night I try Hek to see if I won't get disappointed. BUT lo and behold. 1-25 damage. I pull out Snograz and it deals impressive damage. Never lower than 20
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