of law and evils

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of law and evils

Post by Maxadinara »

been self to question the order of law and whos to be enemy of law and punishments and way to forgive kinds.
see many in law to forgive kinds of evil since belive they are not fully evil in self wich is good to have such faith in others but at later time are more of the kinds that are in order that seem more evil then the one they bring to judge about.

i was at a trial of one, was one like many others just of one of officers in white to be much more hostile then seen before, yelling at people and threaten them because did not like what they say, it was sebastian loth. as of now, i do not even think he know what was said since he is so silly.

after time so in trial he said words of magic and my sister San disapeard. was thinking was hiding first but did not find her there and they said she got banished to an island none knew of and when i told him to bring her back he started to threaten me too and told me that i was breaking the law just because said i would cut him to pieces if not take San back!
are only allowed to threat people when in white and if other do it is against law?
after time so of just being so silly and all many of laws around and none to say Loth was doing wrong even if said would smash me down if not was because was farmer girl but then he said same words again to send me to island too!

then i stabbed him down because no wanted to be trapped on island none knew of! other of law said was of wrong and smashed me down too and then when helped up said both was doing wrong... but mostly loth!

then when so he said he was humiliated to be stabbed down by farmer girl and said he would break law again himself to get revange! then he cast new magic at me and made me a criminal in the whole city just because he wanted to kill me!
I was hiding and trying to get out of city but loth found me and threw fire magics at me even if others in law told him not to.

i then rode out of city and all laws and loth after so. he was keep being all angry and wanted me killed as he followed all way to minoc just for such!
is good he is such silly slowpoke him self and got himself stabbed down by guards in minoc. other of law came to attack minoc to get there too but then i left..

this is of sebastian loth of law while seen for long time as a good kind and help with things but at later time heard of him attack and threat traders and merchants not able to defend self.. even a friend blacksmith just because loth was thinking he was at wrong place!

did think was of wars so and much with of so but this day could really see him as the evil kind he is and just in wish of to show power to others he no belive has any, he is not to protect anyone anylonger are just one in wish to kill for any reason found. are not the kind that should be in of a good order of law as some really are.

he do not belong in any kind of good order to be and do belive all to seen him this day see him as the evil he is too.

Tia of Cove
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Re: of law and evils

Post by aldath c'om »

he threated my life when i didnt want to be part of his daily checkings. harrased me around my and disturbed training few times. just cause he wanted to check something. check something in serpents hold where he holds no authority or right to command anyone.
he truly doesnt belong to army of lord british
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Re: of law and evils

Post by dwight »

Hey Tia,

Order of Law aren't that good anymore, since the day they decided to become tyrants, and telling citizens to act like they want, like puppets.

Unfortunatly the ruler of the lands, Lord British, for some reason doesn't answer his citizens request and leaves everything in the hands of this tyrants. They are even making known and famous murderers able to walk in the city, but they act like this to common townspeople.

Exile is the solution while this monsters are ruling over Lord British, because I can't find another way to walk freely and safe again in the streets of Britain.

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Re: of law and evils

Post by Masano »

Dear Citizen,

Any complaint about an officer of Law must be submitted through the appropriate channels not the public message board. This is so we can differentiate between valid queries and propaganda.

If you would like to proceed with your complaint contact me and make sure you have all the necessary evidence and documentation.

~Eldath Valenta, OoL.

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Re: of law and evils

Post by Evander »

I was one who was trying to calm situation. Everything started at court room. We want peace and silence in court room, to have proper salvation. No one should not speak until spoken by officer in courtesy, as i stated couple times in court room. You should respect ones word, and not just shout pointless accusations, which doesnt belong in court room during salvation.

I am not sure where it all began between mister Lloth, miss Sandrasa and Tialessa, but their altercation went too far. Even with my intervene it just continued and at somepoint mister Lloth did his decision to banish her. I understand his anger against them, becouse of how they acted with accusation, shouting and insulting him, even mister Lloth gave clear warnings, but banishment was very radical decision and totally wrong way to end this situation. Troublemakers should be pointed out from courtroom after warnings, banishment should be the last way to get rid of them.

Tialessa continued his interfere at salvation with shouting and reguesting his friend back. We managed to pull through salvation, and after it Tialessa was acting very hostile and unbalanced. She reguested his friend back and insulted Order of Law and mister Lloth, she even threatened with killing him. I tried to calm her and mister Lloth down, promised even to get her sister back, but didnt manage in calming. My words didnt mean anything, no slight respect for me, even i was one trying to be polite and help. Atlast when i got both of them out, Tialessa stabbed officer Lloth and when Lloth ran, she ran after him. I had to stop her, to protect officer.

It was very unexpected and very badly handled situation. There were unacceptable acts from both of them, which i dont accept, and im apologizing for acts of mister Lloth. If there happens something, which is unfair or wrong against you by ourside, we will handle them ourselves, you wont do it by your own hand. For everything is peaceful solution. If there ever happens such radical acts towards officers, referring to insulting, pointless accusing and eventually attacking, i can promise there will be punishment.

And answering for mister or miss V : I know mister Lloth can be very brutal with his tongue, but you should understand he was making his routines to keep everyone safe. You should act as he asks, so everything will be done peacefully and without harm for anyone. You should have respect for Officers, were they polite or not.

Mister Yaens message is just trying to blacken name of Order of Law. There is no reason to spread lies to ears of citisen of Britain. I want citizen just to follow laws for everyones safety.

-Ev, Order of Law
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Re: of law and evils

Post by Tyrion »

'nother example of more high 'nd migh-ty 'officers of da' law dis-play'n acts of o'gression! If dem courts ain't fer the public to air der' grievances then why make 'um a public event, eh? Mixin' messages and then punishin' the innocents! You lot 'ought to be 'shamed! Officers of the law, eh? Only corrupt souls 'ave a lack of re-straint an' use force as means o' silence! I spit on yer attempts to calm angered citizens!

~ Britannia Farmer
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Re: of law and evils

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Multiple times I told the "lynch mob" in the courtroom to be silent and stop blaming the defendant, who was actually granted salvation - but with certain regulations. The salvated person had a relatively minimal, relatively old criminal record. Also he talked openly about his mental health issues, fixations with certain colors, in the courtroom and seemed to be somewhat aware of his problem. He doesn't necessarily see the fixation itself as a problem, but he certailnly sees acting against the law and being an outlaw a problem. We cannot force him to anything, but he made a gentlemanly promise to seek help as he was salvated and we have to trust him.

So, what we had in the courtroom was a lynch mob who didn't listen to multiple officers warning them multiple times about their arrogant and hostile behavior. The laws are set, and we are just officers. In the courtroom one should act politely and respect the authority of the officers. We are no tyrants and I definitely consider my actions, and I don't regret my decision to banish a member of the "lynch mob".

What comes to the other person, she attacked a Law member which is a very serious crime, but due to her good reputation I have decided to let it go unpunished - as I am definitely no tyrant, but I am seriously tired of people treating Law officers like dirt and making fun of us, making us look miserable and powerless. Many of these people have close ties to Imperial, too, and secretly work against us, which makes it not only public image related, but a more serious issue; it may endanger our lord. The backstabbing Order of Imperial already broke the armistice without any warning, now fighting alongside Tekstone which is a cult of openly hostile nature, still appears to be able to cover its true face from some naive citizens, which is sad.

Any member of Imperial is an enemy and will be treated as such by me, as I'm not one of the most gentle officers which is well known and which I openly admit, but in exceptional cases I have actually even shown mercy towards merchants of theirs. My message to the Imperial merchants is: leave the order. Your order is a threat so you are a threat as well, even if not as direct as a fighter.

Sebastian Lhoth
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Re: of law and evils

Post by Kerbal »

You say you are not a tyrant but in the same breath threaten those who may speak good of Imperial in your lands? To me that is tyranny, or have I been mistaken? Written word has a wider avenue of interpretation, so please do not take this as an attack. And I also fail to see the connection between merchants of Imperial and the hoodlums that disturbed court. Can you elaborate?

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Re: of law and evils

Post by Vaux27 »

I look forward to bashing this Sloth's head in for his crimes against the Imperium. Killing those who do not yield a weapon is cowardliness, and quite frankly you're not an officer or a man at all. You'll meet your end, and be made an example of the corruption flowing in Lord British's rule.

Raoul Vaux
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Re: of law and evils

Post by Biao »

This corversation was taken too long! From what i heard Tia isnt any angel anyway.

Mr Impirial get on your horse and find us in the batlefield.
You seem brave in words but we never saw you in Britain or near it like you saw us in Moonglow many times in the past.

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