of law and evils

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James Blackburn
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Re: of law and evils

Post by James Blackburn »

excuse me Lilu, how can you call yourself an officer of law.
i've never told anything bad about officers, but with this attitude i can't fell safe in britain anymore!
why do we, britain citizens, should be in eternal fear, just because you want to make britain as a huge battlefield

and you dare call yourself a officer?

The citizen of Britain
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Re: of law and evils

Post by Ricardus »

To the ones who are complainting about the way we do trials and other issues regarded to our order, please submit your questions and suggestions added to proper documentation (evidences, forms, requests and general questions) to the officer in charge of those matters.
That would be sir Eldath Valenta.
He will analyse your issue and handle with most dedication.
Please sign your real name and not a made up name as we have stated before on the suggestion board that was created for the effect.
That board is now disabled and you should contact the offficer i mentioned above.
As for the trials, everyone is innocent untill is proven otherwise, therefore we need silence to avoid misunderstandings, in due time the defendant can call for whitness if necessary, and we may also ask any person present in the courtroom to testify for or against the accused.
So that means we need people to be around when it hapens, and everyone in the room needs to be in silence no matter if you're called to whitness or not.

- Raemus Stormfist, senior officer of Order of Law.
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: of law and evils

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Sebastian Lhoth is a fine example of a Law officer recruited for wrong reasons. Corrupted to the root and driven purely and only by hatred he never stops to question, or doubt his own actions. He has forgotten, or perhaps even never learned what his true task is. He doesn't listen or care for anyone and he only follows his own agenda. I've seen this a hundred times when Law recruits anyone willing to join them... some of them join for the wrong reasons, for pure revenge or for power. Sadly it seems the Order of Law cannot afford to excommunicate him or turn people like him away in the first place, because regardless of his obvious flaws and faults, his hatred also makes him a strong weapon. Because of that the Order of Law blindly accepts any collateral damage caused by him and finds any excuse to let him go unpunished.

There's always one or two of them within their ranks. Once it was Crowley, then Geryn, now it is Sebastian. Anyone with common sense and eyes to his skulls can see what thrives men like them... and it is not the wish to help and defend the weak. It is the power. With that power comes the strength to smite the weaker. With such strength comes fear, with fear comes respect, with respect comes the glory and with the glory comes the immortality.

They always refuse it at first, for years they fight us and want to hate us, but eventually it is that hate that brings them to us. Both Crowley and Geryn's hate and endless lust for power turned them to me. Crowley joined the Cult of Tekstone. Geryn, on the other hand, became a dear and trusted friend of mine, he listened to me while acting as the second in command of the Order of Law. Sebastian is no different. Sooner or later, he too will fall.

Darian Darkmind
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Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: of law and evils

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Darian Darkmind,

Do not compare me to Geryn Farodae. Geryn wanted the highest position, he sadly also got it because of his fighting skill, length of his career, lack of competitors and nothing else - his career as a head priest was short. He had trouble getting along with other members of Law. But guess what. I have no trouble getting along. They may question some of my actions but mostly not. I do obey our head priest's will, I did so with Orin, or Elya Neyli if Orin was not available, and I am very much doing so with Zarek Sanchez as well. Never have I wanted the highest position and everyone in my order knows this well. Yes, I do fit rather well in a moderately high position that specializes more in strategical thinking and organizing things, instead of having the final word. The highest position is not for me. It requires a calmer personality and I am aware of the fact. I try to be highly supportive to my fellow officers, providing them help of all kinds. Geryn did in the end hate his fellow officers more than his enemies which made him a double agent, later joining Tekstone. It was not his love for Tekstone, he was just a conformist. He knew he won't last long in Law, he won't have his power long, and he knew he would be hated after he lost it and couldn't dominate others.

So much I am known for my furious loyalty to Winchester, that the likes of Tekstone would never take me in, as they know I would only join Tekstone for a cause Tekstone doesn't believe in, most likely spying for Law in ranks of Tekstone or turning Tekstone against Imperial, thus destroying Imperial.

Sebastian Lhoth
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