Mayor/citizenship/faction system draft v0.9.2

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Mayor/citizenship/faction system draft v0.9.2

Post by Monad »

Updated: 17.1.2013



Factions are political areas in game which are tied to towns, citizenship and mayorship system. Factions are designed for and ran by non-religious players, however religion members can join as the citizens like anyone else. Point of the system is to improve the political aspects and strenght in the game by giving more power to the regular citizens and the mayors to decide their town affairs through voting, town perks and decision making.
  • • Kingdom of the Lord Blackthorn
    • Kingdom of the Lord British
    • Neutral towns
    • Yew (closed, available only to Order of Nature)
    • Wind (closed, available only to Cult of Tekstone)
All players starts off as a non-citizen. Being a citizen to any of these faction towns doesn’t put you automatically to war with anyone and let’s you walk freely everywhere, but only if you join the militia you will be in war with the opposing towns/faction. Being a citizen of the Blackthorn faction town for example, you can still walk freely in all other faction towns aswell, but you don’t receive the same perks from vendors or protection from guards as in your own faction towns. From the citizens of the town a mayor is voted each month to control the different duties of the town.
Chain of command inside the faction
Chain of command inside the faction
cod.png (16.69 KiB) Viewed 7719 times

You can become a citizen only of the guarded towns which are under the faction banner.
In each of these towns locates a town stone. Double click the stone and select I wish to become a citizen of <town name>. Note that becoming a citizen of the town also declares your loyalty to the designated faction which you need to agree upon. Being loyal to the faction/king doesn't mean you have to be tied to the religion of the faction in any way. Religions are just part of the faction, just like citizens and militia will be. You can revoke your citizenship by selecting "I wish to revoke my citizenship" from the town stone, after that you need to wait 48 before declaring citizenship to another town.

Clicking a townstone will open a menu showing the following specifics:
  • • Total population of the town
    • Current mayor of the town
    • Total population of the faction
    • The selected perks for the citizens
    • Number of elite guards
    • War and ally state
    • Size of the town militia
    • Size of the faction militia
    • Citizen loyalty % towards the mayor
    • Citizen loyalty % towards the faction
    • • Ability to vote and become a mayor
      • Ability to join the militia
      • Ability to buy special items available only to the citizens
      • ideas needed
      • idead needed

      • Reduced cost of goods from vendors
      • Receive full protection from the town guards (protect you from attacks inside the guard area + resurrects you)
      • Town guards of the different city but same faction will protect you from the attacks inside the guard area but only your home town guards will resurrect you aswell
      • Opposing faction town guards won't protect you if someone attacks you inside the guard area but won't attack either (unless you're a member of the militia)
      • Ability to wear the unique citizenship cloak

    Converting the faction of a town can happen in two ways:
    • 1. Mayor launched 'siege' from the town stone (political)
      • If the faction loyalty is more than 50% the siege cannot be launched
      • If the mayor loyalty is less than 50% the siege cannot be launched
      • If the faction loyalty is 0%, the siege cannot be overturned
      2. Religion forced/organized siege
      • If the faction loyalty is 100% the siege cannot be launched
      • If the faction loyalty is more than 50% the citizens can end the siege
      • If the mayor loyalty is more than 50% the mayor can end the siege
      Applies to both:
      • The faction religion members can end the siege in their faction towns in all cases (unless the faction loyalty is 0% in the specific town) because they cannot change their faction
      • The more the faction loyalty % of the town is, the harder and longer it is to siege
    If an opposing faction religion succesfully siege the town you're in as citizen, militia or mayor the following situation takes place:
    • Citizens will be given choice to change loyalty to the new ruling faction without penalty (normal 48 hour delay applies).
      Militia will be given choice to change loyalty to the new ruling faction but they face 48 hour exile together with the delay from the town in question.
      Mayor will be automatically kicked off the spot (unless he have launched a vote for the faction change from the town stone before the siege) and exiled from the town for 48 hours but given a possibility to change loyalty to the current faction. New vote for the mayor will be put in place.

Citizens of the town can join the town militia, which automatically puts you in war with the opposing faction town’s militia and religion. You can join the militia by speaking the words to the Town Chancellor: I wish to join the militia of <town name>. You can also leave the militia any time you want, but there is a delay of 48 hours for it to take effect. Religion members cannot join the militia.

Joining the militia enables the following:
  • • Puts you in war with the opposing faction town militia and religion
    • Ability to wear the unique faction militia cloak
    • Enemy faction town guards will automatically attack you
    • Ability to use leadership skill to make guards follow you a short range away from the guard zone. Based on the leadership skill and militia rank.
    • Ability to receive special battle improvements within the town limit designated by the mayor, only for defense purposes

    Upon joining the militia player starts off with 0 points, by killing or dying to opponent militia or faction religions you gain or lose the points.

    • • Each time you kill an opposing town militia or religion member you gain points
      • For every point a member loses upon death, his killer gains the same number of points
      • The range of points is from -5 to 99
      • For every 10 points above 0 a militia member have, you will lose one point upon death. Eg: 0-9 points, you lose 1 point, 10-19 points, you lose 2 points, 20-29 points, you lose 3 points etc.
      • A player may not gain points from the same victim within 20 minutes
      • A player will not lose points if they have died within the last 10 minutes to any opponent

    • 3.1.2 MILITIA RANKS

      Ranking is based upon the players militia point total relative to other militia members points.

      Below 35% Private
      35%-55% Corporal
      56%-80% Sergeant
      81%-90% Captain
      91%-99% Colonel
      100% Commander


From each town a mayor is voted each month. If there is not enough votes to select a mayor, the town will not have mayor and the citizens don’t receive the special perks. Mayor have access to the town tax resources collected from the housing. This tax money he can spend to improve the town in different ways. Religion members cannot become mayors.

Mayor can also launch a siege to change the faction of the town to another (more about the subject in the Town Siege section). If 50% or more from the citizens are in favor of the change the siege begins on the town stone. If the siege is defended and overturn, the mayor will be overthrown from his spot and exiled from all of the faction towns for 2 weeks. For example if you're a mayor of Trinsic under Lord British faction and launch a succesful vote to change the faction to Lord Blackthorn's Kingdom, Law gets alerted and ends the "siege", you will be exiled and resignated from the Lord British faction and from all Lord British towns for two weeks. Citizens can remain in the towns.

Duties of the mayor he can improve the town with:
  • • Ability to exile players from the city
    • Launch a siege change the faction of the town (explained above)
    • Mayor can adjust the tax of the towns to his liking. More tax, the more cash he have to spend on perks.
    • Revoke citizenship of a player
    • Hire elite guards (depending on the total voting power)
    • Arcane advantage (10% increase in spell damage and 10% spell resist to the town militia within the town limits)
    • Combat advantage (10% increase in the melee damage and 10 points armor resistance the the town militia within the town limits)
    • Enable different merchant bonuses to the merchants, for example better rate at mining or harvesting and unique items to work with to improve the crafts.
    • Purchase extra vendors
    • Ability to wear the unique town mayor cloak
    • More ideas needed to different perks what mayor can choose/buy for the citizens benefit

- Should improve and bring an interesting aspect to the players outside the religions (mayorship and militia restricted from religions)
- Should further the housing in towns and bring players closer to each other because houses outside the towns dont have the perks of being citizen or mayor.
- Does the militia rank system encourage too much PVP? Would it be better without it?
- Any other issues?
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Re: Mayor/citizenship/faction system draft v0.8

Post by Quintoz »

- Does the militia rank system encourage too much PVP? Would it be better without it? From what I can see you only seem to gain a rank which means it's more score keeping then anything. Perhaps it should be adjusted to time spent in the mitlitia then kills made.

- Any other issues? This will enable pvp where you can have religion blesses without taking religion damage, is that intended?

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Re: Mayor/citizenship/faction system draft v0.8

Post by H-Wood »

1. So if I'm a citizen of Britain and walk around in Minoc, guards will not protect me if I get attacked?

And if I'm no citizen anywhere, I remain having protection in all towns? So basicly nothing changes if you don't become a citizen.

And become a citizen has advantages in your home town and has the only disadvantage of no protection in other town, who are against your fraction.

2. Are there reason to exile? Or can a mayor exile anyone he wants?

3. Ability to buy special items available only to the citizens
How about each town/fraction has an industrial speciality. This way you motivate merchants to pick wisely. For example an iron/smith town could have special mining bags, with useful items for miners. You'll get a bag if you become citizen and ever 2months perhaps (if you only give the bag when you become citizen, people will just town hop for all the bags). Maybe one town can have different specialities, especially if it's a big town.
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Re: Mayor/citizenship/faction system draft v0.8

Post by Palma »

A player will not lose points if they have died within the last 10 minutes to any opponent
This needs raising. 10 mins ain't enough on Pangaea xD Imo, should be 30 minutes.

I think it doesn't encourage pvp, it encourages people not to do random silly attacks instead. Might even decrease it or make it even more interesting.

Very good job!
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Re: Mayor/citizenship/faction system draft v0.8

Post by Johnny Walac »

First off. It looks awsoome.

Question Time:

Q: I see Combat Bonus and Arcane Bonus for Mayor. But no Merchant Bonus. Is the Mayor spot intended for fighters and magic users? Some kinda merchant perk might not be a idea idea.

Q: Does the Mayor slot count as a "Militia". May the Mayor of an Imperial town walk around freely in Lord British towns?


• More ideas needed to different perks what mayor can choose/buy for the citizens benefit

How about deciding the tax cost for the houses in the city? The more tax he collects, the more vendors and guards he can buy for the town. On the other hand, the less tax he got the more people will probably be happy by living there. (Should encourage people to pay the tax on the house so the town will prosper)
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Re: Mayor/citizenship/faction system draft v0.8

Post by Simmo »

H-Wood wrote:1. So if I'm a citizen of Britain and walk around in Minoc, guards will not protect me if I get attacked?
Town guards of the different city but same faction will protect you from the attacks inside the guard area but only your home town guards will resurrect you aswell

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Re: Mayor/citizenship/faction system draft v0.8

Post by Boris »

Quintoz wrote:- Any other issues? This will enable pvp where you can have religion blesses without taking religion damage, is that intended?
I'd say religion blesses stick with religions, but as talked on other boards before, sharpening stones will be implemented sooner or later. A sharpened weapon will most likely be equal to a 40p bless without opposing religion damage. So basically religion blesses will still be better due to opposing religion damage - but it'll even the scales a lot in PvP and especially in PvM. And by the looks, it'll be an item that any class can use.

Generally I wouldn't add any combat/magic bonuses to the system as we have already enough instakill factors in the game - even if they aren't available for religion members. What comes to merchant bonus, I wouldn't go down that road either or we'll be stepping on Imperial territory.

- Boris
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Re: Mayor/citizenship/faction system draft v0.8

Post by Monad »

Quintoz wrote:- Does the militia rank system encourage too much PVP? Would it be better without it? From what I can see you only seem to gain a rank which means it's more score keeping then anything. Perhaps it should be adjusted to time spent in the mitlitia then kills made.

- Any other issues? This will enable pvp where you can have religion blesses without taking religion damage, is that intended?
1) I'd rather make it a bit different to piety gains, so that you can't just join the militia, not fight a once but still be colonel, I think titles should come from a fight experience and how good you are.
2) Good question. Maybe the religion bless could be disabled.
H-Wood wrote:1. So if I'm a citizen of Britain and walk around in Minoc, guards will not protect me if I get attacked?

2. And if I'm no citizen anywhere, I remain having protection in all towns? So basicly nothing changes if you don't become a citizen.

3. And become a citizen has advantages in your home town and has the only disadvantage of no protection in other town, who are against your fraction.

4. Are there reason to exile? Or can a mayor exile anyone he wants?

5. Ability to buy special items available only to the citizens
How about each town/fraction has an industrial speciality. This way you motivate merchants to pick wisely. For example an iron/smith town could have special mining bags, with useful items for miners. You'll get a bag if you become citizen and ever 2months perhaps (if you only give the bag when you become citizen, people will just town hop for all the bags). Maybe one town can have different specialities, especially if it's a big town.
1) As Minoc is under Imperial currently (afaik), no they won't protect you if you are citizen of the Lord British faction.
2) Yes, you have protection in all towns (as long as you're blue) but you won't have the gains or perks of being a citizen naturally.
3) Not having protection from guards is not the only disadvantage in your opposing faction towns. You also have higher price from vendors and limited access to the goods.
4) Mayor has the power to exile a player, but of course if he does so against the citizen's will, he looses support. So it's something we believe players can handle themself.
5) Yeah something like that could be a good idea.
Palma wrote:This needs raising. 10 mins ain't enough on Pangaea xD Imo, should be 30 minutes.

I think it doesn't encourage pvp, it encourages people not to do random silly attacks instead. Might even decrease it or make it even more interesting.

Very good job!
1)Within 10 minutes I think you can regear and get back to the fight if that's your plan. In 30 minutes can happen alot. What you mean with it's not enough on Pangaea?
2) Yeah good point, we could see how it works out.
3) Thanks!
Johnny Walac wrote:Q1: I see Combat Bonus and Arcane Bonus for Mayor. But no Merchant Bonus. Is the Mayor spot intended for fighters and magic users? Some kinda merchant perk might not be a idea idea.

Q2: Does the Mayor slot count as a "Militia". May the Mayor of an Imperial town walk around freely in Lord British towns?


• More ideas needed to different perks what mayor can choose/buy for the citizens benefit

How about deciding the tax cost for the houses in the city? The more tax he collects, the more vendors and guards he can buy for the town. On the other hand, the less tax he got the more people will probably be happy by living there. (Should encourage people to pay the tax on the house so the town will prosper)
1) Good point. Different merchant perks should be available awell, I sort of forgot about that. Not necessary skill boosts, as Boris said that would nullify Imperial's rite, but something else. Like special items to work with or something similar. Ideas welcome!
2) No they don't count as militia, mayor is a civil rank not military rank. Even if they are the "leaders" of militia, they're more like diplomatic and can hold a meetings with opposing faction mayors etc.
3) Good idea on the tax cost. I'll put that on the list.
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Re: Mayor/citizenship/faction system draft v0.8

Post by Quintoz »

Perhaps the religion blesses only work while in proximity of the townstone? Or perhaps the town stone will give the militia of that town increased damage or something similar.
Also the towns do they choose which faction they belong to or that the siege system? Would be cool if the mayor could choose to fight the poeple that own the town and start a fight against them with the use of the militia.

Last but not least, can the mayors break a siege? For example if Law was to siege Skara brea, can the poeple of that town rise up against them and end the siege? If not they should be able too!

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Re: Mayor/citizenship/faction system draft v0.8

Post by Darian Darkmind »

I have the same question as Johnny has. Where does the mayor stand in the system other than taking care of his own town? Does he count as a regular citizen or militia? Can he join militia? [Edit] Seems like Monad answered this one already.

Maybe the mayors should have "Diplomatic immunity" and won't be attacked even by enemy guard as long as the mayor don't act hostile. That way an Imperial mayor, a diplomat can visit Britain and vica versa and live to tell the tale. Even if the mayor is red, he should have it as long as he hasn't commited a crime within the last 24 hours (Attacked an innocent, healed a criminal, theft or other criminal action). Of course such power comes with responsibility and a red mayor should not be hanging around in Britain just because he can. I know it has the possibility of abuse, but due to having so few mayors, I'm sure who ever is elected is sensible enough not to abuse it. At least after a warning or two. If abused, give a warning, if repeated remove as mayor and add him to a shit-list where he can't be re-elected for a year.

Additionally, I'd combine this with the siege and town take-over system. I'd like to see mayors having the power to set the town's loyalty to Lord Blackthrone, Lord British or Neutral. If neutral, all normal guards leave and the mayor has to hire new guards using the tax money. This of course makes the siege easier as there are less guards (Unless the town is very rich and able to hire a hundred guards). If, however, the town is loyal to either lord, "free guards" (support from the lord) appear to protect the town. This gives an additional town take-over option over the direct siege and PvP. This adds an RP possibility. Groups of players (Guilds and religions) could "buy" towns or run nice campaings and be elected by the people. This allows greater RP without outcluding the possibility to siege. Say Minoc elects a mayor who then, for a reason or another (Maybe Imperial treats him or the citizens badly, maybe Law paid him well) sets loyalty to Lord British. In 24 hours the town is taken over by British's troops. Maybe during the 24 hours Imperial gets a warning messages allowing them to stop the take-over by force (By holding the stone for half of the normal required time). If Imperial fails, they can of course re-siege the town later on and take it back. If sieged succesfully, the mayor is automatically overwhelm and the Imperial gets to Force a new mayor for the first month to ensure the town remains their for at least a month. After the first month the mayor is chosen by election.

Although I find it pretty illogical a mayor ranks over the HP of a religion (A religion that has conquered the town!), I still like it IF the above suggestion and addition is added to the system. This way if a religion sieges a town, it is in their best intrest to make sure a suitable mayor is found and that they support both the mayor and the citizens. This way the people have the power over religion. If the religion does a bad job, the mayor might turn on them. If the citizens are mistreated they can vote a mayor who will then change the loyalty.

So all in all:
1. Mayor has the power to set loyalty to either lord or neutral giving a new and greater RP aspect to the game.
2. If Mayor changes loyalty, it takes 24 hours to be set in effect in which time the defending religion can stop it by re-sieging the town with only half the time required - or maybe even less, 30% as in 3 minutes per guard.
3. If the town is succesfully sieged, the sieging religion has the ability to force a new mayor for the first month.
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