Town Siege

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Re: Town Siege

Post by Boris »

Point being, it is different for Law / Imperial than for Tekstone and it's suppose to be. Expanding / defending / upholding an empire / a kingdom is their stuff and they have the tools for it. So as mentioned, it may be a buck load harder for Tekstone - but this isn't suppose to be fair. Law / Imperial have the edge and they're ment to have the edge. No rites or no specific rites zone isn't an option.
Darian Darkmind wrote:Again, playerbase is what it is. We could get one or two more casters, but like I said, Law and Nature can get one or two more priests as well.
The playerbase isn't the problem. It doesn't matter if it's 10 vs. 10 or 20 vs. 20. If there's a total amount of 20 or 40 people in one siege, it's still irrelevant. The pickle is getting people on your side. You are what your religion is and that's how it reflects to the outsiders. The issue isn't the playerbase; it's how the sides divide and that's something you can all affect in. Even if the other party has better rites to play with, manpower is always manpower. I understand that you don't have much experience in PvP or sieging, but perhaps time will help and you'll learn a trick or two.

- Boris
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Re: Town Siege

Post by aldath c'om »

manpower means nothing when this happens
if other religions are cabable to expand their manpower to 2x or 3x what we have just by casting guards. and guards wouldnt be such big problem if they would teleport to summoning location when you try to lure them
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Jyrgen wrote:
If our previous unofficial "sieges" has fell to veritas and guards spam, then again in what universe of common logic would a real siege system that is even harder to pull off not fall for the same problem? How many times do you want us to "try" it before you believe I am right?
When was the last time Tek even attacked any city other than Yew/Brit before the Skara siege? Probably before you had the keening change even.
We cleared Britain not long ago. Zarek tried to defend it with Douglas (I think), but it was of course hard for being just the two. Anyway, soon Nature arrived and we had to flee.

Yep, before that if not counting Yew or Wind (Which you can rush in and kill us), it's been before the keening boost. Even when keening is now awesome in our hands, it won't change or stop you from rushing. In fact, if you rush in a formation and and cast veritas half a second after we've all targeted one of you, we might kill one of you, but then we die.

This is how the battle would go if we were Law: If I had lead your group to break the siege, it had ended after the first try - as long as everyone did as told. First we hold formation and rush right in the middle of Tekstone. Tekstone will target one of us with keening, probably either you(Elya) or Zarek. It takes them a moment to react so if we all rush right in and start casting veritas the moment they start keening, you or Zarek die, but so will they. If they or some of them for some reason manage to flee, no worries, we can resurrect you or Zarek while one guy is casting guards and others are casting veritas. Once resurrected we advance forward and repeat the same thing again and again until we are by the siege stone. If I were leading your fight I'd make very clear that we do not break the turtle formation, we'd stick right by each other, we don't rush after our enemies because we don't have to kill any of them, we just have to get to the stone and prevent them from killing us. By doing so we force Tekstone to come forward, take risks and attack us or they lose the stone. And quite frankly if they attack us, they die.
Boris wrote:I understand that you don't have much experience in PvP or sieging, but perhaps time will help and you'll learn a trick or two.
Oh please. I understand your point of saying it should be harder for Tekstone because we aren't a kingdom (Although, according to the history, Dennac has had kings and kingdoms before). The way it is now it's more like impossible for us unless we time it during nights. I know Imperial can do it, but currently they aren't doing it. We WANT to do it, we want to change the world, we want to spice and heat things up and break the stasis, but currently you don't allow it. So please, if you're master of PvP and sieging, or at least consider knowing better than me, tell me what we should do differently. What was our mistake? There was more of us than them, we keened as a team on single targets and killed A LOT of them all the time - although they got resurrected without losing anything. What is it that we should make differently other than getting more players. Of course if we get three times as many players we could hold our ground better especially if they break formation... but even that is only before our enemies increase in numbers as well. Of course this is what you want as it would increase activity and total online count on the shard, but in order for us to really focus and aim for getting more activity, you should give us a larger bone rather than forcing us to waste our time on fool's errant.

You're completely right that we could take over a town if we triple our numbers (as long as our enemies don't increase in numbers). However, even if we triple our numbers it still won't remove the problem: It's still not very fair or balanced if it takes 4 of us for every one of them. Not to mention, if Law pulled a perfect turtle tactic with 10 players, it doesn't matter even if they faced 50 of us, 10 of them with perfect veritas spam is enough to keep all 50 of us at bay.

What comes to PvP and Tekstone as a whole; everyone says we've done fine for 10 years, but people forget that our enemies have learned to play the game as well. Fighting against Law or Nature now isn't the same as it was 5 years ago even when back then we had a lousier tome and they had even a stronger one. Take Elya for example, he is a great PvPer and a true master of Law tome. I've seen him single handely take down 4 of us, multiple times. It's funny that even if there's priests on the battlefield, Elya is often our maintarget. It's the kind of stuff that never happened before, at least not in this kind of scale. Of course Methril, Zeronia, Elya and few others were great players even back in the days, but the truth is we almost never killed them, because it was too hard... we always killed the weaker ones, the ones that broke formation and made mistakes. Nowadays, because of the low number of players and most of us being "veterans" their team doesn't have many "newbies" like that anymore, at least not enough to break their team. We've done fine for a long time because our enemies make mistakes, rush after us headlessly and break formation, but I can clearly say with my years of experience it is a lot harder now than it was ever before - even when our tome is boosted and theirs is nerfed - and this is only because of the simple truth that they know what they are doing now, they have years of experience as well.

I just don't understand your logic. You make a nice system, something that we've wanted and needed since the beginning. However, when we as players WANT to test and try it, you make it so that we can't. You make it so that only TWO religions can use the system. I guess my main problem with this is that I believe it should be expanded to all religions and, in fact, to all players so that even a guild can take over a town - or at least try! Maybe then our activity would start to increase... who knows ;)
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Jyrgen »

Darian Darkmind wrote:Yep, before that if not counting Yew or Wind (Which you can rush in and kill us), it's been before the keening boost. Even when keening is now awesome in our hands, it won't change or stop you from rushing. In fact, if you rush in a formation and and cast veritas half a second after we've all targeted one of you, we might kill one of you, but then we die.
Soo, why do you all have to cast that keening in the first place? Wait till law casts veritas, run out of screen, then there's the timer when we can't even cast veritas again, and voila, you can kill us without getting veritas.

Oh and we can't spam veritas and guards endlessly. Remember, veritas does take 30 mana, so you'll be out of mana pretty fast. That's what happened in Skara the second time we tried to rush into the city.
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Johnny Walac »

I don't what the fuss is about.
Law/Nature/Imperial should be able to use Veritas, Malleus and Guards during a siege.
I just don't think there should be any guard spawning on the actuall siege stone. We are talking about a screen or two.


Edit: I seen different answers from the staff so I guess you are discussing it on the GM forums. Keep us updated on the answer.
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Darian Darkmind »

I know that Jyrgen, but that's why it requires teamwork. I know you can't spam veritas and I know it has a cooldown. But it's enough that two or three guys cast it, then another two/three cast it, another two/three, then again the first two or three. Two veritas equals to 90 points of damage, which is something we want to avoid, three veritas is 135 points which makes us all run. Not only that it heals you so even if we keen, you get healed - at least if we don't manage to cast the keening at the same time on the same target.

I never said it's a cake-walk for you to pull that off, but if you play as a team, organize and TRAIN the approach, you will learn it well enough to do it. Mana might be a problem, but you can make a short meditation in between and use mana regen potions. I know even then, sooner or later you run out of mana, but that's why it's important to rush quick and far.
Soo, why do you all have to cast that keening in the first place? Wait till law casts veritas, run out of screen, then there's the timer when we can't even cast veritas again, and voila, you can kill us without getting veritas.
Except that this wasn't the tactic I meant. This is actually what happens a lot right now. Of course if you rush in and everyone of you cast veritas, we run if we're able to - if we aren't casting. When we come back, you run because you can no longer cast veritas. This kind of fighting leads to nowhere and this is usually what you do. You rush in, press a macro, rush out. It's just running back and forth waiting for the cooldown to pass. You should only cast the veritas all at the same time if we're all occupied and can't escape it, but when you're trying to advance and keep us out cast only a few. If you're only trying to advance instead of killing us (If we're not occupied), you should always have 2-3 guys off the cooldown. Like I said, in a siege you don't have to kill us, your target is breaking the siege and to do so it's enough if you can rush and keep us away from you long enough. Use turtle formation and use veritas and guards as a stall tactic.

It's not easy to master because people often panic and do stuff they aren't meant to do, but with enough players and enough practice it will get easier. I'm sure you already could do it if there were 10 of you in law/nature. In fact it'd be easy for someone with your skills, but teaching it to your friends is the hard part.
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Biggs »

Said it before and I'll say it again.

Tek and Nature fight for the balance of living and the dead.
Imp and Law fight for more lands to rule.

If it isnt veritas, its gaurds, or its solitude. STOP YOUR WHINE.
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Jyrgen »

Darian, veritas needs LoS. So learn to use that to your advantage perhaps?
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Jyrgen wrote:Darian, veritas needs LoS. So learn to use that to your advantage perhaps?
I don't see why are you saying that.

Keening has los too. If we want to hit you with melee or with keening there has to be line of sight - at least if we want keening to do any real damage. We can't kill you if we hide behind a house. If we hide behind a house you're free to walk to the stone and end the siege. Of course I always use walls, trees and whatever to block the veritas damage, but by doing so I also make sure I can't damage you.

Like I said, your purpose isn't there to KILL us... it's there to END THE SIEGE and you can achieve that by stalling. The more we hide and avoid being damaged, the faster you can advance to the stone.
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Re: Town Siege

Post by Jyrgen »

Darian Darkmind wrote:
Jyrgen wrote:Darian, veritas needs LoS. So learn to use that to your advantage perhaps?
I don't see why are you saying that.

Keening has los too. If we want to hit you with melee or with keening there has to be line of sight - at least if we want keening to do any real damage. We can't kill you if we hide behind a house. If we hide behind a house you're free to walk to the stone and end the siege. Of course I always use walls, trees and whatever to block the veritas damage, but by doing so I also make sure I can't damage you.

Like I said, your purpose isn't there to KILL us... it's there to END THE SIEGE and you can achieve that by stalling. The more we hide and avoid being damaged, the faster you can advance to the stone.
Time walls properly and you should be able to stop our advancement with veritas. Wait till we cast veritas, you cast keening, THEN put wall in between us. Your keening will hit us, our veritas will do 15 dmg to you. Voila.

Learn to play, instead of the endless complaining about things.
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