The free city of Yew

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Re: The free city of Yew

Post by Quintoz »

My armor is made from metal like yours, however my armor is not used for war and destruction. The motives behind me wearing a metal armor are pure.

Castiel, The Mystical Old Bard.
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Re: The free city of Yew

Post by Quintoz »

Using something that Gaea has bestowed to you for war is beyond insulting.

Castiel, The Mystical Old Bard.

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Re: The free city of Yew

Post by Akkarrin »

so are you saying even if tekstones are battering down the gates you wouldnt let me in to fight side by side with my friends and allies in Nature.

and why have you only taken this view now, Nature uses chainmail and metal weapons both for hunting, and for waging war against the tekstones.

and there has been many wars against imperial in the past, you have never before exiled us.

and chainmail and weapons are necessary in defending the lands against robbers and murderers.

would you be happier if i fought with bone armour perhaps?
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Re: The free city of Yew

Post by Quintoz »

You do not see the real problem, no matter what armor you wear, you will only use it to continue fighting with everybody who dosen't share YOUR point of view. There is no permanent solution to the problem which means that unless you make peace we will not change our decision.

Castiel, The Mystical Old Bard.
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Re: The free city of Yew

Post by Akkarrin »

You were an officer not so long ago Castiel so i would like to think you know this of me. I truely do not care about someones point of view, i do not care what people think, so long as they do no harm to the good innocent citizens of the land.

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Re: The free city of Yew

Post by Johnny Walac »

Hail Akkarrin. I have never called myself Headpriest of Nature because I am not. I am Chancellor of Yew. I am not banning you from The Free City of Yew I am simply warning you that you are not allowed to use our guards for your own purpose in the war against Order of Imperial. Simmo Alverena is the Headpriest of Order of Nature and he is the gate between Gaea and us. Simmo and the religion is sharing the command over The Free City of Yew with the new government. It seems you are taking this to personal. If you feel you can't handle the war against Order of Imperial you can simply leave your Order. The Free City of Yew have no quarrel with Order of Law or Order of Imperial but Order of Nature and The Free City of Yew will not partake in this meaningless war. Gaea is the Supremme Commander in the eternal war against Dennac's minions. Feel free to fight alongside our guards of Gaea against simple criminals but do not force them into protecting you against your own enemies in the war of Felucca. Do not doubt my command in this because I do not doubt yours as Second in Command.

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Re: The free city of Yew

Post by Simmo »

Dear Akkarrin,

We always discuss everything in this Religion. Ive given permission to Johnny.
This all is true. Our goal is balanced nature and we cannot achive it if our lands are plagued, towns are shattered.
All i can see in Britain, Moonglow there are two powerful religions. You are fighting over lands while Cultists are destroying Mother Earth.
Its time to open your eyes, and protect our lands or soon there is no sunshine, snowy trees neither there will be green grass - left are only ruins.

Simmo Alverena
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Re: The free city of Yew

Post by Mike »


In early morning, the grass still moist and the air crisp with cold, Alus led a deer along the path to the great tree. It was encouraged to follow now and again by a gentle tug on the leash made out of interwoven vines resting around its neck. A portion of the people of the Free City of Yew followed him. There were simple people, woodsmen, herbalists and independent farmers. They had gathered to offer gratitude to the goddess. Beneath the great branches of the ancient oak a flat stone laid on the ground, engraved with a simple circle. Alus led the docile deer to the tree, and it settled to rest there, its head resting on the stone. Alus pulled the hood of his earthen brown robe over his head and spoke up, facing the mightiest oak of the settlement. Ancient spirits of Gaea, from the dawn of this current age, whispered among the unravaged woods around Yew. He adressed these subtle yet powerful elements and the goddess herself when he spoke up.

"This morrow we gather to offer our thanks to nature herself. The primeval power that makes a stalk of wheat push throug the mud to reach for the heavens, that drives the rat to feast on the wheat, that empowers the eagle to prey upon the rat, that calls upon innumerable creatures of the earth to break down the remains and feed the soil once more. This deer is a manifestation of the spirit of life. When it dies, its young will eat the blades of grass that it would have taken for itself. We will eat its meat to grow strong, cure its hide to stay warm, and make of its horns and bones tools for our survival. Nothing would go to waste but the blood, which nature does not intend for men to drink. Today we offer the blood to you Gaea. We invite you to partake of your share in the hunt. We give back a small part of your creation. We dedicate the blood of this animal to you so that it may nurture all the spirits of nature. For life and freedom in this cycle, eternal."

Alus loosened a knife from its sheathe and cut the throat of the deer swiftly. The animal seemed possessed by a divine grace as it bled out, closing its eyes, remaining calm until death set in. The blood flowed over the stone, and once it had ceased, the followers took it into the city to prepare the meat, the hides, and the bones. That evening, all those willing to participate in the future of the Free City of Yew dined as kin at the tavern, without expense.
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