Class system rebuilt

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Re: Class system rebuilt

Post by Boris »

I think Harry the Handyman could help with that, but it's still a big hussle.

Think outside of the box and post to ideas section. Priest stuff is fun. Easily 20 pages of whine and flaming in 1 hour.

- Boris
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Re: Class system rebuilt

Post by Darion al'Ferran »

Maybe if Harry the Handyman would turn my auropian sets straight into giant bone sets, fair enough?
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Re: Class system rebuilt

Post by Boris »

Prrfh, more like melts with no ingot loss and buys with a fair price.

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Re: Class system rebuilt

Post by Percy »

Boris wrote: Making drastic changes affects too many and it simply is too late.
- Boris
It's never too late, just simply offer them a free class change, they have 100 mace change it to fencing for them or something. Just offer them the equivalent of their stats and skills.

And as for armor on priest, would look kind of crappy, but bone everything but chain tunic?
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Re: Class system rebuilt

Post by Boris »

There's no need to give any alternative skills. Priests need nerfing, not balancing.

Generally we just need to go around the class system and think of... whatever. Dropping scepters is still okay to me. It will never have support from the playerbase as it will hurt Priests PvM-wise a lot (giants, dragons, etc.), but then again, perhaps that'll encourage players to choose another class if you're into that, i.e. Knight.

A softer version could be just nerfing the damage modifiers of scepters - as suggested before.

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Re: Class system rebuilt

Post by Mike »

Boris wrote:As mentioned before, Priests were created like they are on purpose. It's no flaw how they turned out. They were made as the most powerful class on Pangaea. Repsak was a wise guy and he knew what he was doing.

- Boris
This is more of an academic debate than a practical one, but what was the wise part exactly? It looks like the religion system and piety has been created to force people to RP and thus create an RP world. The problem is of course that setting so much in stone kills the creativity of the RP and streamlines it. I've seen a few good writers on the forum and some decent in-game RP. It doesn't really take off because the canon is so overbearing and the world is too static.
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Re: Class system rebuilt

Post by Glarundis »

nah. i think priests don't need nerfing in terms of the rest. what they really need is, not being immune to magic users. the whole 100 res spells for anyone that is not a magic user is just too much.
they're very good agains fighters (ok that they should) but also very good at resisting damage from spells (they shouldn't have both should they?). but i know it's "too late" to change this, and i understand, res spells is so hard to train, i would get pissed off if i had to lose it. i am FINE (yes, i am) with them having 100 pvm res spells. the problem is the 100 pvp res spells. but about that, in general, magic users (not necros) have problems vs fighters. they should have a skill called resisting physical attacks...
nerfing scepters is a no go imo.
i don't think they need any more adjustments class system wise, except for the res spells that isn't gonna happen. they could get -5 str (but not -5 statcap) and something done about armors?mix of chains with studdeds.

while we're at it, why don't we make studdeds the best in elemental resistance?everything else goes for AR mostly, bones, chains, plates, etc, but the best of the best in elemental resistance would always be studdeds. they're made of hides with inscrusted pieces of metal or jewels or whatever we want. magic stuff! this way people could decide if they go for chains/plates or for studdeds (in some pvm situations, studdeds would be better).

but yeah, this is no longer about class system.

i just wanna say one more thing, and i'm gonna get flamed, but this is something that really needs adjustment.
why the hell can archers control dragons?don't they have enough already?they have 100 tactics 85 poisoning 85 poisoning, almost full plates (someone said plates + 85 healing + 100 tactics was simply forbidden), and this class also has poisoning. plus, they have great bows to do damage, can kill giants without even touching them and not having the fear of dying. but on top of all this, they can control dragons?..
yes we can't change class system, well, make a restriction on fighter classes and dragons's as stupid as when priests could control dragons. somethings are just plain wrong, and they need to be fixed asap
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Re: Class system rebuilt

Post by Boris »

Glarundis wrote:nah. i think priests don't need nerfing in terms of the rest. what they really need is, not being immune to magic users. the whole 100 res spells for anyone that is not a magic user is just too much.
they're very good agains fighters (ok that they should) but also very good at resisting damage from spells (they shouldn't have both should they?). but i know it's "too late" to change this, and i understand, res spells is so hard to train, i would get pissed off if i had to lose it. i am FINE (yes, i am) with them having 100 pvm res spells. the problem is the 100 pvp res spells. but about that, in general, magic users (not necros) have problems vs fighters. they should have a skill called resisting physical attacks...
My personal opinion is that no fighter class should have 100 mag.res. nor 100 meditation, and all casters should have 100 mag.res. and 100 meditation. But as mentioned, that's just my view.
Glarundis wrote:they could get -5 str (but not -5 statcap)
The problem with nerfing statscap is that it'll eventually just make the weak weaker.
Glarundis wrote:while we're at it, why don't we make studdeds the best in elemental resistance?
Elemental resistance is already capped with a full set. What comes to other stuff, hide effects are superior compared to bones and ores.

What comes to petslots, those can be easily edited. Just direct your views to the ideas section.

- Boris
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Re: Class system rebuilt

Post by Glarundis »

Boris wrote:
Glarundis wrote:they could get -5 str (but not -5 statcap)
The problem with nerfing statscap is that it'll eventually just make the weak weaker.

this would be a -5 to str, not to statcap. and for priests only, what do you mean it would make the weak weaker?are there weak priests?
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Re: Class system rebuilt

Post by Percy »

Glarundis wrote: are there weak priests?
Yea me :D
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