About religions.

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Do you think the current religion system needs to change?

It should stay the way it is.
It should be changed to make every religion as sacred and holy as one another.
It should be removed altogether.
Other(If you choose this, comment on what you think should be changed.)
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Re: About religions.

Post by Masano »

No really, the Kony 2012 movement went viral on facebook but I think the treatment and unfairness Tekstone and Robbers face on this shard by far overshadows those faced by the children of Uganda. Something must be done!
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Re: About religions.

Post by Mike »

Masano wrote:No really, the Kony 2012 movement went viral on facebook but I think the treatment and unfairness Tekstone and Robbers face on this shard by far overshadows those faced by the children of Uganda. Something must be done!
I think you and Edward have to stop seeing each other. Now, back to the topic.
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Re: About religions.

Post by Masano »

Oh alright ontopic then. Religions are at the core of this shard, removing then completely would be crazy. So many custom spells, ideas and history gone to be replaced by what?

Yes, there are differences in power of the tomes but thats no secret and staff have even said why that is the case on several occasions. I like the fact there is variety to the tomes, it makes it more interesting. You can complain that Law is OP but the tome Law has now is nothing compared to the one from 1 year ago. Malleus doesnt work on decent monsters, aura doesnt regenerate others mana, 2 pretty huge nerfs to PvM. The Law tome is meant to be the most powerful for PvP, staff have said that repeatedly so I dont know why all this whine continues to come.
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Re: About religions.

Post by Biggs »

In regards of pvp (offensive)


In regards of pvm

Lets say gms delete a religion or two and they choise nature and tekstone we all know every single one of them would join law because its the next best tome in regards to both of them.

Problem atm;

Law nothing.

Nature not much they got a decent tome nowadays with a few more pvm rites.

Tekstone notta its meant to be the most chalenging of religions back in the day every tekstone had alot of respect from the player base, now they are hated because they want it to be easy.

Imperial cannot use there tome to its advantage due to gms allowing tekstone too allie robbers... yes were not good guys surprise!! We have the rite to pull them outa wrong instantly also the piety to release them from prisons, oh and we have no hunting grounds except terekeep on our lands no room to wonder about either.
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Re: About religions.

Post by Dalton »

Dalton Azevedo wrote:(...) "Oh my, another religion whine".
IMO, the staff should just remove religions all together and be done with all the whining!
Applies here as well! Sorry for being repetitive, just trying to prove a point
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Re: About religions.

Post by Quintoz »

Biggs check your info bro I've told you. Had you read the Tek forum back in the day you wouldn't even write something so stupid.

The diffrence between now and then is that now Gm's are WILLING to change stuff and we want it to be towards the better but for the most part it's been for the worst.

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Re: About religions.

Post by Arion »

I don't think what he wrote was stupid. You really gotta stop doing that to everyone man people are gonna disagree with ya just live with it.

I watched three tekstones kill four or five laws today but you're totally right they must've got lucky. Tactic tactic tactic doesn't always have to be about whose tome is better.
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Re: About religions.

Post by Bella Pious »

I have a feeling that if the staff said they have a bigger picture in plan, they might actually have it. I am not saying revising the rites in religion is coming together anytime soon because I think the project does rely on scripting on their spare time. It is like putting up a very big puzzle, and they can only do it one piece at a time. Someone did bring up an interesting point though -- by giving each religion basically the same rites will reach the "fairness" and no one can complain. Having said that, it will kill variety and characteristic of the religion.

But really, I think all the problem come from the players and their mature level, both in game and on forum. For quite some times now, I have been wanting to say this when people are fighting about "RP" on forum -- people are trying to argue on the definition of roleplay, but I think, personally, to roleplay is to spend time to care for your style with "how to make it a better experience for Pangaea environment with your role" in mind. If you don't have that in mind, or even if you care less, and your role is to get pleasure out from some other players' loss, then in a long run it will back-fire. Style-wise speaking, I liked it better when Tekstone looked down on criminals, and I also like to think Lord British's and Lord Blackthrone's knights are a troupe with some order. Their job is to protect the land, instead of provoking fights (unless of course if it is right after assault.) But if the players in religion just want to continue this "who has a bigger dick" and "look who laugh louder now" competition, I don't see how good it would do for the staff to work hours with revising their rites.
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Re: About religions.

Post by Kerbal »

The problem lies with players RP'ing whatever the hell they want. Law corrupts Tekstone altar and is victorious and Tekstone makes a post saying that they wiped out every guard in Britain. What I would like to see is a joint effort for creating a storyline with key moments be them battles or some other less aggressive diplomacy. These events would alter the storyline in someway. This would prevent the useless pissing contests on the RP boards which in my opinion make us all look bad. This would require all of us to get over our competitive nature. Everybody wants to win the opposing side, which is understandable. Competitiveness is human nature. It´s alot to ask and this style of roleplay isn´t everybodies cup of tea. This way religions WOULD be the history makers or the shard. And guilds could make their own sub plots and so could individual players.

The way I see it we're all here trying to have some fun. Sure, UO-fun is alot more passionate than pwning some noobs in Counter-Strike, but the playerbase working as one would make the fun alot less straining for the nerves.

I know this post sounds like I'm a happiness consultant with a flower dress but I honestly think that all of the above would make the playerbase a more of a community, rather than enemies huddled in their foxholes throwing poo at each other.

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Re: About religions.

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Hey Mike, shut it! My stuff is always the shit - read, awesome! Thanks Shadow_Nirvana, it's nice to have a fan!

Now, I don't even know where to start. I agree that Tekstone should not work with robbers. In fact I've never liked it. Back in the days I hunted them down and stoned them more than Law or any else. We were respected yes, but yet even if respected and needed the Staff always turned their backs at us. The fact is without Tekstone, without us and robbers, there's no need for Law. Without us the activity of the shard drops and as it drops it drops even more. Should we say "fuck it" and quit - has crossed our minds a few times - the shard would once again fall to slumber. Sure at first people would hunt a lot more without risk of losing anything, but eventually they get bored of it and soon nothing has a purpose anymore. We are needed, yet we are ignored and hated. The people make a mistake of thinking that we are some sort of sick masochists who enjoy being mistreated time after time again. No, we love this game as much as you do and we too want to have fun playing it. Most of the time it isn't fun.

Yes, if all the tomes were made equal and same - with the exception of 1-2 RP rituals such as the Nature ritual that turns you to an animal, Law salvation, Imperial merchant bless, Tekstone plague - the game would be a lot more fun for us too. I for one would gladly tell all the robbers to fuck off and hunt and kill them myself like I used to do. However, you forget that it was the STAFF's decicion to make us a "robber friendly" religion. I protested against it back then and I still do, but I too agree that we need "The Red Alliance" - which I prefer calling "The Onyx Alliance" due to onyx being black and Tekstone being the one leading the show!

Tekstone used to be honorable, respected, liked and favored religion back when I lead it. But also things were a lot different then. We were promised a lot of good stuff should we behave and proof ourselves. We did so time after time again but NEVER did we get anything but crap on us. The Staff lied and mistreated us time after time again. It pisses us off and it lead to the birth of Exorsus Nox and the robbing and griefing spree. Make the mistake of mistreating us and you lose OUR RESPECT and once you lose our respect we damn sure return the favour, we make sure we aren't the ones "feeling the pain".

Also Biggs, you got the last two cathegories right, but let me fix the first one:
In regards of pvp (offensive)

Yes, Tekstone is the last because we only focus on our RITES!!! WE USE FUCKING RITES WHEN DO YOU GUYS GET IT! We use blesses, armor blesses and rites that EVERY RELIGION HAS! We don't use our rituals in a fucking PvP! Keening is shit and most of the times we are even squelched and thus unable to say or use anything! Yesterday I killed 5 Laws with nothing but my simple blesses which you all had as well! I didn't cast a single rite/ritual during the fight... I didn't even bother using the aura as it's more or less useless in PvP!

JESUS CHRIST! This shit is fucking ridiculous. Take your heads off your ass and fucking admit it that we beat you because we are just so much better players, not because of our tome. That, however, does not justify our tome should suck. We are good players because the shitty tome forced to learn the hard way which is something I suggest you should try - stop using your tome and actually learn to play your character!

As long as ANY of you cast ANY rituals during PvP it means your tome is better at PvP! In other words as long as you have veritas to rely on, your tome is better!

In fact I'm fine if all the rituals are removed. Leave only rites and give only ROLEPLAY rituals to each religion such as holy steed and RP specified rituals to the religion... stuff that CANNOT be used in PvP.
Last edited by Darian Darkmind on Fri Mar 09, 2012 9:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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