It's a nice video

Moderator: Game Masters
I think this phenomenon has roots far in the past. Where finns had to struggle to store the little food we could grow in this cold climate, for winter, the people in the southern countries could take it easy as the winter was not that harsh and food was plentiful. That led to neuroticism and maybe the neuroticism explains our social awkwardess =)Glarundis wrote:You are partially right. About I'd say, 75% right.
In terms of corruption and things like Berlusconi, the northern countries are far far far better than the southern. But you lack in terms of people's social skills :P
Uhgh, thinking of these things makes me wanna say politically incorrect stuff, so I keep quiet =)Glarundis wrote:Hehe :)
well, climate affects things like agriculture, which comes to affect social problems/bounties, which over the ages affects culture, which blablablalalalbla affects the way people are at the moment.
Here in Europe people are all crysis here crysis there, but you don't see that in African/Southern American countries.
Atleast my brother was in Brazil for 6 months and he said the biggest difference is that they know there's a crysis but that doesn't let them become depressed. They are confident they can go through, they look for work if they must, etc etc. Instead of complaining.