The Visions of Darkness

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The Visions of Darkness

Post by Rodan »

"Rodan al'Ferran.. Never heard of him" said bartender at Serpents Hold inn. "Maybe you should ask from Britain. Thats where all those goodfolk stays." Thats what they told all over the worlds inn's to her. "This is ridiculous she thought. One place in the world where I cant go and there he must be. And he is supposed to be known person! Maybe I should smack him if I encounter." She didnt know why she was looking for this person. But she had to find him. No matter what. "Oh well, I have to sneak in to that city.."

Rodan was felt uneasy. He knew that it was after him again. He was foolish enough to think that it wouldnt come back to this realm where Rodan had won 2 times before. Why it just couldnt give up? Rodan had still so much to do. Vial of life didnt workout so he had to figure something else. Well it could have worked if he had more power but no mortal man can achieve so much power to handle the magical streams to be carried out to hold that vial in pieces and attaching magical powers too. He tried and died that day. His sheer willpower kept him falling into god realms. That was the first time when he fought dead and won! Shivers run trough Rodan's spine as the memory run trough his head. After that death herself kept chasing him. He fought 2nd time death in deserted island and their battle changed the landscape. Such was powers of Rodan and deaths pushed against eachother. That battle wasnt easy for Rodan. He felt necromantic for a while after that battle and it took months to recover his old powers back. Now Rodan knew that if it catches him, it could be the end of his tale on these lands.. Rodan put his diary away and went to bed. Maybe tomorrow he should move to new house again was his final thought before sleep took him..

Lightning pierced the skyes and rain fell heavily on the streets of Britain. It was really dark and people of Britain felt that it was no ordinary darkness. Even the drunkards who lived on the street fleed to local bars and taverns to spend their coins to expensive beers for their taste. Barkeepers werent too happy about this but they had some heart even to these drunkards to not to send them to streets where was something different in this night. Only Virtue Guards were out patrolling as usual and they sensed it too and they were really sharp and marched back and forward on the streets.
She arrived to Britain docks and felt it. Rodan was close. She was so exited about and her steps lead to her towards the second bank of Britain. She hold her anxiety and hided to shadows and avoided guards vision. Darkness gathered around her but she didnt notice it. It was part of her nature. She forgot her human side while sneaking towards her destination and stepped on the streets of Britain. No living soul would stand on her way now.. Another lighting roared on the skyes as she walked, almost floated to center of buildings where small houses were all around. She was the darkness now. She had been there when gods came and she would be the last one standing when the world would come to its end and all the living creatures ever lived had felt her cold kiss and been sent to eternity. She was death himself and she stopped by on the small house and entered in.

Rodan felt the terror. He woke up and grapped his staff which was leaning to wall. It is here! Nowhere to run, no time. He couldnt believe that she could find him so soon! He quickly gathered his powers to his reach. Last time Rodan was prepared and had been able to build his strenght beyond his normal limits. Now it was different. He stood infront of his bed as he felt darkness surround his house. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. Death had found him. It was almost unreal feeling as always. No sounds from anywhere, only light was the candle on his table and it seemed to be weakening by the sheer atmosphere and darkness. Rodan's door opened slowly. And young woman came in with coldness and darkness so deep that even Dennac himself would be jealous. She wore the robe of pure darkness and hood was lowered that noone could see her eyes but everyone could feel their gaze. The gaze which reaps life like scythe at the fields. "So, you have found me" said Rodan with quiet voice which sounded like thunders to his own ears. "You are mine old wizard. Why do you resist. You only prolong the inetivable. Come now and I will promise you the last kiss. Not the scythe and painful passing. Come and be happy in my arms." Woman replied to Rodans words. Those words didnt echo around the room. They vanished as they were spoken but everything was heard clearly. "I have defeated you 2 times before and yet you still come. You are persistant. Maybe I should give in, but I have to get my wife back. You know I have sworn oath. I must continue!!" Rodan shouted while he gathered his powers to his palms. "Foolish of you. You will come with me" said woman and took step closer to Rodan.

Ancient words of power came from Rodan's mouth. They were no ordinary spells that any of the young mages today knows. Those were from the early times of earth when magic freely run trough the worlds. He rose with his words to the sky and death followed him. His words brought down the meteors towards the woman, lightnings so fast and large and full of fury of the nature rage left from his fingertips and flames burning white appeared around the woman. Missiles of pure energy and spells that bind time and banishing to other worlds appeared before his opponent. His voice was strong and power of magery run freely trough him. He summoned holy warriors to his side and horrors to cast their darkspells to his opponent. But she just smiled her coldsmile and continued towards Rodan. Every attack was only small obstacle to her.
Hours later Rodan fell on the ground. He was exhausted. And she knew it. Woman appeared besides Rodan and sat down and said: "Now, you will come with me" and her lips came closer to Rodans. "NO!" thought Rodan as the lips softly kissed him. He gathered his remaining powers to this one last clash of him and her. The world went dark..

Rodans body lied on the sand of unknown beach. There it was, like pile of seaweed thrown from the ocean and left to rot in the sun. Sun was shining and seagul flew around. "The corpse of Rodan al'Ferran.. I would have wanted to see that" said woman which had just appeared beside Rodan's body. "You clever old wizard. Throwing all your power to me on your deathbed. I dont know if it was your plan or just coincedence. I'll consider this as a draw but you will serve me. Rise now and dont disappoint me since you fought so hard" her voice almost sound sad but she had no feelings. She disappered like the wawe clashing to shore. Rodan opened his eyes and said: "I see the world through your eyes now. How I pity you, maiden of eternal darkness. But I will live now trough different eyes. Eyes of death you have given to me. And the grounds of dead are my playground now too. You have no power over me. Suzie, dont hate me now but I have grown stronger now. I will save you and bring back to me. This is my oath, this is my road. It has become dark and river of blood flows beside it but I will survive and get you back." Rodan stood up and stared to sun.

"Nox" the very first of the chants echoed trough the lands and darkened sun for a moment. The Visions of Darkness had began.
Rodan al'Ferran - Necromancer
Sarah Bealyn - Grandmaster alchemist
Rahvin - poor knight
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Re: The Visions of Darkness

Post by Rodan »

The visions of darkness part 2

Sun was setting down at the Serpents hold. Wawes hit peacefully to its strong walls splashing water just a little bit. Seaguls were screaming and only few people moved around in this almost abandoned stronghold. Innkeeper Marjorie polished her bartable. As usual only few thugs whom have given up on their life to beer and alcohol sat around fairly large inn. She didnt pay much attention to them, they were her regular customers and all was good as long they didnt start to fight. She had massive maul leaning to wall if something like that happened and many had tasted it for breaking tables and chairs. She was very strong for a small lady, and her appearance fooled many newcomers. Locals knew not to mess with her. Her life was good even her inn didnt bring so much income. Her husband brought fish and bread to the table from sea and farms. And her business bought money to buy clothes and luxuries. Her life was simple and she enjoyed keeping inn. Until he came. Shivers run trough her spine as she remembered few weeks back. All began when that woman came for asking man named Rodan al'Ferran. That woman seemed so nice and caring but a bit cold inside. "I hope she is allright" she tought. Few days passed and huge storm hit the Serpents Hold. It was so fierce that it broke some of her inns roof and windows. Day after the sun was darkened and that man stepped inside her inn. Cold sweat still came when she thought that moment. Hooded man stepped inside and brought coldness to her warm inn. That man introduced himself as that Rodan al'Ferran. He was obviously necromancer but with something else inside him. He rented room and was very demanding customer. Nothing like the lady had descriped earlier. Everyday Marjorie had to go to his room and tell him new about the Cult. She didnt want to know anything about them but he was paying nicely for every little detail of information she could get. And today she had big news.

Marjorie walked to upstairs and stopped infront of one room. She was just about to knock when small and cold voice said: "Come in Marjorie." She gulbed and opened door. Rodan was standing front of the mirror and nodded to thin air. Like he had ended an conversion. "Any news today?" He asked. "I know who the leader is. And where she is" said Marjorie with shivering voice. "All details are in this letter. I will leave it here" she added and put the letter on the bed. "You have done well. I will check out today and here is your reward plus the rent for the room" said Rodan and tossed sack of gold to Marjorie. "Total of 10.000 gold coins. Dont spend to stupidity. Now get lost" he continued. Marjorie rushed out of the room with her gold. "What a creepy guy" she thought for herself.

Rodan opened the letter and read it. His goals were to come little bit closer. His powers had potentially increased with his transformation to necromancer but he didnt knew all yet. He had sought knowledge about the Cult of Tekstone. Servants of Dennac. Those who brought dead and disease to world. He had learned all the necromantic spells and could now speak to dead. But he needed more. He needed demonic assistance to achieve his goals. And deamons were Dennacs creations. He needed to achieve the knowledge to deamonmagic and creation. His plan recuired this knowledge. His goal to bring her belowed wife back to living world. As the deamon had took her so long ago. Tear run trough Rodan's cheek as he remembered moments with her wife. He missed her so much. He was ready to sacrifice himself to bring her back. To see her smile once again. Rodan read the letter. It said that Cultleader was last seen in the hiddencity. He gathered his belongings and said magical words and then disappeared.

He appeared near the city which location only few knew. He felt it. The pulse of darknes coming from the city. He stepped in saw army of hellguards and murderers. Hell guards started to come towards him. Revealing weapons. This place was dangerous and the city of murderers didnt like strangers. "If you value your life, stay out of my way" said Rodan as the undeads spawned around him. Skeleton rised from the ground, ghosts appeared around him and creatures of the dark lurked behind him. Guards gazed him as he started walking towards them. They didnt know what to do. Necromancer was obviously dangerous but they had seen undeads before and didnt fear them that much. "Last warning. Out of my way" said Rodan with mighty echoing voice. Wind blew around his deathrobe and glow of power could be seen shining from his eyes inside the hood. Those 2 burning eyes foretold of early grave and eternally serving him after death for everyone who stood his way. "What are you looking from here?!" One of the guards shouted to him. "I am looking the leader of The Cult" said Rodan without stopping. "It aint here. They all are in moonglo...." continued guard and sword came out of his chest. Guardleader had killed him. "Fool! We are bound to keep our mouths and you go babbling" said leader. Before the corpse hit the ground Rodan had turned around to make his way to this new location.

He appeared near Moonglow and almost popped to arms of the whole Cult. They quickly surrounded him. "I am here to speak with your leader" quickly said Rodan. Cultists in their blackrobes stared eachother, obviously understanding each other with glances. Their eyes spoke that what necromancer would want from their leader. "Come." said one of the darkfigures and lead Rodan to near forest. "What you want from me?" asked the man. "I want to feel the Dennac's power. I want to serve him. He shall be my lord." replied Rodan to man which was now glowing with darkpower of Dennac. He was obviously chosen. "You need to prove yourself. Come with us and show us, that this is what you want." "I will serve." said Rodan and followed him.

Next happened the massacre of the Imperials and their altars was beeing corrupted. Rodan killed many and his hands and robe were stained by blood of the innocent, blood of the falce believers. He praised his Gods name while bringing the judgement. He could feel the Dennac's eyes on him. Watching and pondering. Satisfied to his actions. So he proved himself to the Cult and he was granted to join Dennacs chosen ones. That was Dennacs will. Their path and Rodans crossed and the God of Destruction enjoyed the play.

This poem can be found from the great library of the Sosaria. Under the book: "Random Prophecies" author unknown.

Serving, murdering, killing
Such is the way of the cult
From the shadows they merge
Chosen ones
Bringing down his will

One you should serve
Show no mercy!
Make your last wish

One hooded figure
Down on the path so dark
Will serve
But remember this
His goals are his own.

One you should serve
Show no mercy!
Make your last wish

Seek the power
Seek the shadow
There it is
One step closer the edge
There she lies..

One you should serve
Show no fear
No turning back now
Rodan al'Ferran - Necromancer
Sarah Bealyn - Grandmaster alchemist
Rahvin - poor knight
ICQ: 382704571
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