Imperial Members

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Uzriel Raven
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Re: Imperial Members

Post by Uzriel Raven »

Fabius my brother, it's a sad sight to read your words. You left on your own, we did not force you out. You speak of us as if we were filth, but did we not help you? I can recall the times Jack and Kent helped you prepare the supplies for your tome. Are you so ungrateful that when you leave of your own accord, you view us as vermin? I hold no grudge of any kind against you, but you act the child. I ask that you shape up and carry yourself about with some shred of dignity. Do not act as if you were wronged. You were corrected once, not punished, not harmed, and no one, No One questioned your loyalty to the only one that matters, Her. I'm sure that She as much as I wish that you find your way to happiness, just leave us be if you can't be a mature adult.

-Dante Belgrave
Kent Strider

Re: Imperial Members

Post by Kent Strider »

Fact of the matter is Fabius, I never trusted you. You now speak of Ludivigne Swift, a person who has been my friend for many years. Yes I in fact did promote Luddivigne over you, and it was not in two days, it was the second she joined. Now you speak ill of our Order, seems I picked right, does it not? But as Dante stated, at this time I hold no grudge against you, I view you as a misguided person, may you live in Her light and be guided in the right direction. Good bye Fabius.
Kent Strider

Re: Imperial Members

Post by Kent Strider »

Maximilian Lhoth wrote: Isn't the current list of the members self explanatory? Only the four highest ranking members exist anymore, the rest became "disloyal". The order is monopolized by the Head Priest, and whereas it follows Her commandments quite strictly, the order is not an order of brotherhood and sisterhood, but an order of strict authoritarianism masked to look democratic to the large public.
The current list is like this because when I took over the position no one was left in the Order, and that is the truth. I made the people I most trusted High Council, and my most trusted member is my Second in Command. How can this be a bad thing? It is not my fault that because I simply corrected you, you decided to become enraged and leave.
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Re: Imperial Members

Post by Quintoz »

Kent Strider wrote:When you left the Order it was on humble terms so I did not make you my enemy, but I can clearly see I should have gone with my gut judgment and made it so.

Stop the cuckening on Pang #MakePangGreat
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Kayla Strider
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Re: Imperial Members

Post by Kayla Strider »

Moments ago, Jack had read the various notes about Fabius's resignation. Now he tapped a freshly dipped quill against his writing desk. He noticed the droplets of ink splatting on the surface of his desk, but he couldn't muster up the ability to care. He had known Fabius for a while now, stood by his side chanting in unison at the altar of Her. He was perplexed, Fabius had his quirks but for him to just leave when he had merely been scolded...he was disappointed. He knew he should say something, anything, but Kent and Dante already said everything that was needed. He looked again at the empty parchment, it mocked him laying there. Jack swiped up the paper and made ready to crumple it, but he halted. There really was only one thing that he needed to say.

Dear Fabius,

I'm sorry you lost your way, but may you find peace in your new life.


Jack Cypher, A sad man

After signing the paper, he turned to look out his window. Luna would be one shy of its protectors, but perhaps it was for the best.
-Jack Cypher, Patriarch of Nature
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Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: Imperial Members

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Apparently it was for the best...

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Diam Larkei
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Re: Imperial Members

Post by Diam Larkei »


Don't argue with idiots.They drag you to their own level,then beat you with experience!
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Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: Imperial Members

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Kat, the people of the Order are fine. They may be authoritarian, okay. Just I didn't fit into the group. Period. Let Imperial live. Kent Strider is a good leader, and protected me when some other members shunned me, making my life in the Order way easier. In the history the Order has seen very violent, very oppressive leaders, which Kent is not. There exists no failure. I was one of Her, but I left. Simply. Tell me about failure when you know the facts. Me leaving the order was 100%, completely voluntary, no one even suggested it. I know many deities are willing to see and accept my clerical wisdom and power - and know that no gates are closed from me. Anyway, at the moment, I am not going to join any religion. You may hear of me later.

Still, I want to say, Imperial doesn't offer you brotherhood and sisterhood, there is a hierarchy and the true worshipper of Her avoids such. Only She was true to me, but I found myself in middle of humans. I was looking for a goddess.

Fabius Maximus

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What the fecking Habs...
Agen Kolar
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Re: Imperial Members

Post by Agen Kolar »

The fallen legends in the graveyard of the Order of Imperial must be turning in their graves because of what the Order has become.

- Descendant
Kent Strider

Re: Imperial Members

Post by Kent Strider »

Agen Kolar wrote:The fallen legends in the graveyard of the Order of Imperial must be turning in their graves because of what the Order has become.

- Descendant
Most of them are actually traitors, you can talk trash if you wish but you know not the circumstances of the new world.
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