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Re: Itemwipe

Post by Andoriel »

What about the Major system that was spouse to be implemented along with tax system...I think that's a good way to drive money out of the system. Right now no one pays their taxes(and expansive houses have ridicules amount of tax), if you give players a reason to pay while making it mandatory, there would be a money outfolow
Allso in osi there is official trashing item day to get rid of the item counts. People donate some items to nps in order to get one ubber decorative or pvm items... There is couple of similar events in the shards to keep item level down
Item wipe is the easiest and most destructive solution to the economy. If you do couple of alternative things along with dry looting same time it should start driving money out of the system.
Last edited by Andoriel on Sat May 14, 2011 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Itemwipe

Post by Tahj »

Sounds like a good way to seraph over the shard. Just make items break fast and stuff harder to craft; nurf priests and enable full loot.
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Re: Itemwipe

Post by Vaux27 »

Tahj wrote:Sounds like a good way to seraph over the shard. Just make items break fast and stuff harder to craft; nurf priests and enable full loot.
Pangaea is already hard enough, let's not get too crazy here. :lol:
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Re: Itemwipe

Post by Sark »

An item wipe would not fix the structural wealth accumulation and distribution unbalance.
A wipe would only reset the count, but the structural problem at the core of the problem it would still be present.

I just came back, so I could not care less. But some people worked hard to get where they are.
Would a wipe make the system more balance? No, after a wipe, the most rich would also be the one catching up back faster as they have the best characters around.

I guess we need a few tricks to get the item count down and the level of items.
We should ask ideas about that in the idea section.
Some solutions were already mention under this thread.
I prefer #2 and #6.

1 - We could pay taxes to maintain the guards in specific cities. But then, we have to find a fair way for everyone... or some sort of rewarding system. (See 1.a and 1.b)

1.a - Players donate items to a chief officer NPC and gain some gold for that, but less than with regular vendors.

1.b - You gain "influence" points whe giving gold/items to pay the guards. Influence point would be some sort of "voting point" in a major system. - That's not too democratic... but it's like the land lord regime in medieval age.

2- NPC vendor items could be more expansive in guarded zones and we could get less money from selling items in the guarded zones. 1 coin for less/more for raw materials for example, and more coins for bigger items.
- A sub-mecanics should apply for baseclass characters to not make profit too hard to achieve.
- It would either force people to move out of guard and risk of being robbed, or stay in town for security.

3 - House taxes could be mandatory. You have to pay in advance for X number of weeks. If you don't pay:
-> Your house get locked. - If you stop paying, it does not accumulate, it just locked the house. So you're actually paying for the next couple of weeks, like a rent.

4 - Taxes could be higher when there is guards, lesser when there is no guards.

5 - When you own a house, there is a small fee everytime you open your bank box.

6- To be admitted to guarded zone, you need to pay an amount of gold which gives you 7 days and which depends on the level of your skills.
The cost could be based on profession skill X10. Example, 70 eval, means 700 gold coins, GM mage pays 1000 gold coins. (But not for baseclass characters.)
Otherwise, guards consider you as "grey", when they kill you, you are sent outside of the city's gate, in a specific location for every city, but you're still alive with your gears.
The command ".paytaxes" would pop-up a gump, to withdraw the gold from your bank box. ".taxes" would tell you the remaining time left before you have to pay.
If you log in, in the middle of Britain, the delay expired, then a gump ask you when you log.

An organised mayor system could actually consumme a lot of gold depending on the functionnalities.
Well, just a few ideas.

We could also find some ways to ease the start for baseclass characters with some of these ideas. For example, with idea #6, baseclass characters could get every monday a % of what was given in taxes or a fix amount, let's say 1000 gold. Or, following idea #2, baseclass you get more gold from selling their stuff to NPC. Either some sort of price adjusment per item, or a global +20% on everything they sell, whatever it is. It could potentially encourage older players to share with baseclass players.

Well, there is a bunch of stuff to help with...

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Re: Itemwipe

Post by Johnny Walac »

"3 - House taxes could be mandatory. You have to pay in advance for X number of weeks. If you don't pay:
-> Your house get locked. - If you stop paying, it does not accumulate, it just locked the house. So you're actually paying for the next couple of weeks, like a rent."

I agree on something this.

If you have not paid for 2 months I say loose the house.
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Re: Itemwipe

Post by Glarundis »

the fact that items get broken easier makes items exit the system
to make sure people have enough items, stuff becomes easier to craft, so people can have those items still. This way, the count remains high, but merchants have business.
The only thing acumulating here is money.
I think that house taxes is a fine people have enough money to pay taxes. They won't suffer from it, and it makes money start exiting the system.
Then, a kind of mayor/guard system.
If people don't pay for guards, guards start exiting the city.
It sucks that everyone is living in britain, yet, the guards are protecting all other cities, so you're safe there as well.
Those towns should be free for other religions to conquer them in case they are not being protected. Which would also make Imperial more merchant based because then we'd be better than others in terms of money, allowing is to control cities and maintaining it with guards.
I'm confident that my idea about making items break faster and items easier to craft solves every problem except the money going up and up. So it's up to these ideas you came up with. Anything we are missing? So far it seems that it'd work.
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Re: Itemwipe

Post by Chivay »

The mayor system is a really good way spend money, but scripting it is a huge task.

In case item wipe does happen, I would let everyone keep some amount of gold to keep some kind of economy going. In addition to that, scaling the gold monsters drop - at first they would drop bigger amounts and gradually reducing it to a proper sum.
Last edited by Chivay on Sun May 15, 2011 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Itemwipe

Post by Quintoz »

Boris wrote:I've already packed our admins with 2½ pages of scripting/script changes and adding stuff to the the list won't do any good.

- Boris
Qoute from another topic, still valid tho.

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