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Re: Terrorism

Post by Glarundis »

agreed with tyrion. We've seen those cases multiple times. Probably mercenaries that just care for the money/themselves/wanna blow something up.

On a side note: are we getting the right notion of moral and ethic?
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Re: Terrorism

Post by Azrael »

Glarundis wrote:I'm actually surprised that you are capable of making those statements and critically thinking about these issues when you are part of the military. From what I know of people I know that were or are in military, they seem to just accept whatever they do as if it was always to protect the people and the good/right way to do it.
I just see there are more than just what the normal thoughts are about it. I mean i enlisted on my own free will and I did it for my country and my family and to better myself.

There is just more than 1 side to the door and most people see the "good" side of the door, But its the inside of the door people dont see until they are there and look for it.
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Re: Terrorism

Post by Ivan »

My thoughts about terrorism is that its useless ****. Why to express your own opinion about religion or politics trough violent harmful acts... Religions that brainwash people hard enough to make them to kill themselves for it are useless to this world, they wont bring peace or gain anything on long term. About politics against them riots and strikes are the best way to tell your opinion to the leaders.
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Re: Terrorism

Post by Mike »

Lucius Junius Brutus and John Wilkes Boothe knew how to get things done.
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Re: Terrorism

Post by Quintoz »

Mike wrote:Lucius Junius Brutus and John Wilkes Boothe knew how to get things done.
+1 "Sic Semper Tyrannis"

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Re: Terrorism

Post by Glarundis »

Ivan, religion itself is not the cause of violence, but rather the bad use of it. You can get from any real muslim that it's bullshit what alqaeda does when they say they are muslim and stuff. but i'm not going into this, because in history of mankind there has been many wars with religion as an excuse, when in fact it was just a scape goat for whatever ppl wanted to do.

Now, about riots and strikers. You say violence is no way to do it. And what do you think riots and strikes will ultimately lead to?
I'm a peaceful guy, but quite frankly, the way things are at the moment with the global crisis, peacefully complaining to your government isn't gonna change things, ppl who are in charge will stay in charge and laught at you.

Look at a lot of countries, you are entitled to manifest, but in a given square protected by police force!!!in other words, "manifest all you want, as long as it doesn't get out of control. in fact, we care shit about you"

As much as it saddens me, I think with the way things are, most likely the solution that ppl will find is starting to resort to violence, burning things and all and stuff, with no more soft talks.
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Re: Terrorism

Post by Mike »

Glarundis wrote:Ivan, religion itself is not the cause of violence, but rather the bad use of it. You can get from any real muslim that it's bullshit what alqaeda does when they say they are muslim and stuff. but i'm not going into this, because in history of mankind there has been many wars with religion as an excuse, when in fact it was just a scape goat for whatever ppl wanted to do.
Religions are ideological, they are involved in politics, and sometimes the basis of politics. Religion can not be freed from blame for any war or act of terror. Politically correct people will claim that, but they only pick the nice modern ideas out of religious doctorines. The real religious people are those who follow their bibles and quorans to the letter - casual religious people and atheists would call them nuts, and they probably are. But they are the true believers, the rest simply chose to ignore the unpleasant parts of their faith.
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Re: Terrorism

Post by Tyrion »

Mike wrote:
Glarundis wrote:Ivan, religion itself is not the cause of violence, but rather the bad use of it. You can get from any real muslim that it's bullshit what alqaeda does when they say they are muslim and stuff. but i'm not going into this, because in history of mankind there has been many wars with religion as an excuse, when in fact it was just a scape goat for whatever ppl wanted to do.
Religions are ideological, they are involved in politics, and sometimes the basis of politics. Religion can not be freed from blame for any war or act of terror. Politically correct people will claim that, but they only pick the nice modern ideas out of religious doctorines. The real religious people are those who follow their bibles and quorans to the letter - casual religious people and atheists would call them nuts, and they probably are. But they are the true believers, the rest simply chose to ignore the unpleasant parts of their faith.
Bingo! In our time, we have seen Religion and Politics be married together: Bush's Invasion of Iraq was based, in part, out of religious obligatory reasons. Ofcourse we can look back in history: Crusades, Nation-States excommunications, re-capturing of the Holy City by Muslims, War of the Roses, fall of Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire) etc. as examples of religiously motivated reasons for many of these events. Today history repeats itself. Mike hit the nail on the proverbial e-head when he mentioned "true-believers" and "modern-day believers." Both essentially follow some sort of organized religion but the difference between the two AQ vs. modern Muslims is that the modern Muslims do not believe in Sharia Law, they do not believe in stoning individuals, they encourage democratic institutions (Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria etc.), and encourage, indeed champion the idea of women's rights.
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Re: Terrorism

Post by Glarundis »

omfg is this gonna turn into a religious topic?

i, unlike most of you, or all, am part of a religion, and so i can say i know a bit more about it.
instead of people who follow their bibles to the letter and ppl who leave the bad parts out, i would say there's a third option, and those are the true believers. ppl who don't ignore parts, but rather try to understand and realize what they mean.

Just understand that if you are doing bad things in the name of your religion/deity, you may be doing them quite consciously, or you just may do them using religion as a scape goat like i said before, but either way, it does not go hand in hand to the very truth about that
religion. The problem is, many ppl made these things in the name of god, but that doesn't mean it's that god's intent.
But what ppl choose to see is "omfg they did bad things!religion sucks!"

What are you gonna say about humanity then? "omfg humanity did bad things?humanity sucks!let's all commit suicide because we can't make any sense of this. This group of ppl which I am a part of (humanity) makes bad things!nooooo!"

Really, try to understand some things before you come with the same old argument about religions and the bad things that ppl did with it. We are not automically protected from doing bad stuff just because we don't want to. Otherwise one would just have to say "i want to be good forever" and he would never ever do something bad again. But we all know this is not how it happens.

Honestly, i think some of you have these ideas about religion that, because we believe in god, god is supposed to protect us more, or like us more, or even make us be better. Isn't it?

I really wish I could sit down and talk to each and everyone of you, because it's almost impossible to explain stuff over the internet, but whatever.

edit: i don't want this to turn into what pangaea 2 forum topic about religion was. So, let's leave forum without this. If anyone wants to chat, 252482994 or johny_yee_str@hotmail.com
If my messenger is not online, tell me in icq or here or whatever. But let's keep the forums clean
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Re: Terrorism

Post by Quintoz »

Glar is wrong, Mike, Tyrion and ... Ivan is right.

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