Year 2011 in review

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How do you rate the year 2011?

5 (Great)
4 (Good)
3 (Average)
2 (Bad)
1 (Horrible)
Total votes: 63

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Re: Year 2011 in review

Post by Zaradon »

Since my come back, i've seen pretty nice and balancing changes. 5/5 for the poll.
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Re: Year 2011 in review

Post by Glarundis »

Boris wrote:If Monad had the shard, it would be 2-3 days depending on Monads hangover.

Boris wrote:I'd also like to give a big hand to Irming. If the shard goes down, it's 20-30 minutes and Irming has fixed the problem. Only thing better than Irming is a paid dedicated server. We have a guy, who's doing this for free and for years. We eat up his electricity, his freetime and his dignity.

i guess when you put it like that, it does seem something great. a big thank you to irming from me too
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Re: Year 2011 in review

Post by Masano »

I cant think of any changes that havnt ultimately been for the best for the shard, proof of this is the online count. Well done to all staff involved.
Kent Strider

Re: Year 2011 in review

Post by Kent Strider »

5/5 - All the changes were good ! ^_^
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Re: Year 2011 in review

Post by Tyrion »

Gave it an average rating. Mostly because lots of changes happened towards the latter part of the middle to end of the year. So giving a fair assessment would be hard over a year period. Lots of things need / remain to be done and a problem area I foresee is Wille's availability to script. Obviously it isn't something that can really be avoided (unless a secondary scriptor is found) due to his IRL obligations but it still remains a problem area in my eyes for 2012. More than the staff, I think the players really deserve a round of beers on Monad ofcourse for their effort and contributions (Pangaea Fund Drive) for breathing some much needed life into the place.
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: Year 2011 in review

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Let's take a quick look from my point of view from the Alteran's take over to this day. So this is not from the year 2011 only:

1. From Ancient -> Legendary due to time-warp
2. From 80 piety and strong tome -> 60 piety and strong tome -> 50 piety and weak tome -> 40 piety
3. From Tekstone HP -> Tekstone deleted -> Tekstone remade without me and Andrew allowed to join -> Tekstone deleted -> Tekstone remade and I was allowed to join
4. From shitty Tekstone tome -> A better Tekstone tome
5. From full looting -> No looting -> restricted looting

So myyyeaaah, all in all, can't say I'm too happy with the progress so far. I'm glad to see though that we are on the right tracks now. The Tekstone tome boost is a positive thing and I try to keep in mind that at least we are going to the right direction with the upcoming piety change and looting change. Also script-wise a lot of things have changed to the better so kudos to Wille hopping aboard!

Let's see with great anticipation what the year 2012 brings with it. At least it can't get much worse!
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Re: Year 2011 in review

Post by Masano »

You lost 80 piety? Didnt know that, thats gotta hurt. 8-)
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Re: Year 2011 in review

Post by Johnny Walac »

The playerbase was increased. We actually got more players then Darra got in piety.
All in all. 2011 is a 5 star year.
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Re: Year 2011 in review

Post by Biggs »

Ive been back for around 6 month and ive had more fun than i ever did before!
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Jaskier Huntley
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Re: Year 2011 in review

Post by Jaskier Huntley »

You guys have done damn good job returning Pang on right tracks.
It's great feeling to see 40+players online once again.
BIG THANK YOU for your effort.
Thoorin wrote:
Equal speed to 2d and 3d would be my cup of tea.
I would love to see that happening!
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