Year 2011 in review

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How do you rate the year 2011?

5 (Great)
4 (Good)
3 (Average)
2 (Bad)
1 (Horrible)
Total votes: 63

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Re: Year 2011 in review

Post by Ugjer »

I figured out that I'm positive enough to stay happy after losing my job and my home. So I'll rate it 5 out of 5. :)
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Daren Priesten
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Re: Year 2011 in review

Post by Daren Priesten »

2011 was great, been quite active since August and every day a new adventure. I wish to see some more:


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Re: Year 2011 in review

Post by Monad »

Year ago I never thought I'd see myself here again, but what can you do. Here's my general thoughts on positive and negative issues (the main points).

  • + Best staff I've worked with. We're not troublemakers or egoistic baboons to each other. Our personalities work with together and our different opinions don't contradict or suppress the ideas, but complement and improve them instead. The trust between the staff members is and have to be 100%. I hope that's visible to players aswell.
    + Decent coder. It was a bit rocky road to get Wille aboard (not because of Wille) but in the end it played out better than well. Despite his busy schedule, a coder who knows what to do is a must thing to have for a working shard. We most likely wouldn't be here without Wille anymore.
    + Long history as players. All the current staff members have long and rather recent history as player so we know how things work from the other side of the fence aswell. We can put ourself into player shoes and think from their perspective.

    - Lack of general storyline on Pangaea. None of us are real storytellers so what I'd like and try to improve on the upcoming year is that we enhance the general storyline of Pangaea and give players a chance to play part on it aswell. I believe we can do it when we put an effort to it.
  • + Roleplay. I've seen lot of in-game meetings, roleplay events, random gatherings, random conversations, random situations etc. All those moments, big or small are what really makes my work here worth of doing and what makes this shard what it is. So big hat to all of you players who even once decided to put some effort into the moment and roleplay your character the best you could.
    + Feedback. It's very important for us to hear feedback from you players, wether it's just a "thank you" or "this sucked" we still like to hear it. Of course if it's negative feedback, to improve ourself is important if we receive constructive feedback. But so far you've done good job.
    + Participation and dedication. You all have done great wether it's voting the shard, the fundraise or general ideas for the shard. We like give you chance to participate on the improvement of the shard and you've filled your shoes in fantastic fashion.

    - Few troublemakers. It makes me wonder what it is that makes the same 2-4 players out of 70-80 players to consume 90% of our time on different disputes and also collect the most marks. I've seen lot of improvement on that too in most of those players, but still there's to improve. ;)
To sum it all up, I give this year (since I came back in May) a number 4. As said previously too there is always room for improvement - in personal and community level. Keep coming with those ideas/feedback and let's make together a year 2012 even better year. I'm not regretting a moment coming back and I plan to stay here. Thank you players and staffers.
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Edward Sinclair
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Re: Year 2011 in review

Post by Edward Sinclair »

Should be self-explanatory :D

This is the kind of sample data I was working with, relatively thorough...
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