Pangaea Status

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Moderator: Game Masters

What do you think about Pangaea?

There's too much PVP.
I love Pangaea more than i ever did!
Something should be done about this 'issue' (State it)
Total votes: 36

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Johnny Walac
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Re: Pangaea Status

Post by Johnny Walac »

Biggs wrote:FYI....3 religion alliance there is no such thing.

the problem with the server atm is tekstone/nox alliance should never of happend, or been allowed. But you an change your religion RP to what you like either way i dont care just looking out for the little people.
Hahaha Biggs :lol: Imperial actually helps out Law and Nature against Tekstone. 3 Religions. And you complain when Tekstone fights with a robber group?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Pangaea Status

Post by Boris »

Before we start locking accounts and the usual, think before you (all) post.

- Boris
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Re: Pangaea Status

Post by Athan01 »

Boris wrote:You can make your Pangaea experience much less about PvP with simple politics and neutralism.

- Boris

True that, with my necro I am in a neutral guild and haven't been forced into a single pvp encounter.
Infact 99.9% of the time I end up pvping I go out looking for it voluntarily
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Re: Pangaea Status

Post by Athan01 »

Vaux27 wrote:
If that bothers you then you should of seen the sea of red allianced last night.
Not only last night were law and imperial fighting nox/tek/reds, but I recall an incident a few months ago where it was law imperial and nature cornering nox in despise. So why should that happen yet reds can't unite? We are still at a disadvantage at the end of the day until the tome fix.

I see no problem with what happened last night, it was actually a fair fight for a change haven't seen one of those in a long time.
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Re: Pangaea Status

Post by Biggs »

any Rp is good enough in my opinion its totally upto the person sitting behind the screen to act out their character how they wish.

The way i see the current situation is on a pair of scales the odds for the ordinary fellow/guild who is playing for PVM and RP is heavly out weighed due too an alliance with a religion whom come to their aid even when no other religion is presant (I know this is not always the case due to rules regarding ALTs and such) yet just 1 religion character has the power of 2/3 sometimes even 4 non religions chars depending on the power of their tome and rites. Tomes give the beholder much more responcibility into how these scales are balanced, hense why they can imprisson a player whom has caused them / others lots of greif [IG].

Now I know some may not be happy with what i am saying possibly even taking it the wrong way and seeing this as a "Biggs wants to see tek unallianced to Nox" this is not true, but you must understand tomes are created in a way that they have advantages and disadvantages towards other religions especially Law's, Imperials and Tekstones. They should not be used in PvP where gears is the main priority. Roleplay must always take presidence in any situation and a religion coming to the aid of robbers in any way other than Freeing from Imprisonment, Wrong Rescue and Protection from opposing Religions in my eyes makes the gameplay for the ordinary fun loving player impossible to be FUN wich is why they play.
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Re: Pangaea Status

Post by Aznar »

This shard gives people the freedom to choose how they wish to play the game.
For some, creating a merchant is the most fun.
Then there's those who create a char whom they can hunt with.
Also there's those who like to become involved in religion affairs, which usually all comes down to politics & pvp.
Others like to play the bad guy and rob other people off their belongings.

But the most fun part of this shard is that everything evolves. In the past, Tekstone couldn't ally to robbers because they had 'honor'. Now they can ally to them and so they have. Maybe in a few months, they decide that honor is more important than having robber friends and break all ties to them again. Who knows?

Same goes for Law. There's times that they just sit in town, macroing their skills and only show up when a mayday is sent. Or they hear there's robbers running around on ICQ and log their law chars so they can PvP. Right now it's Law itself who actively roam around the world looking for bad guys to kill, kinda like how robbers look for victims. They like PvP just as much as the reds, but sometimes some laws think they deserve to win more than the reds. This is not a movie where the good guys always prevail over the bad guys. It's the people that make the victories and if there's more skilled people in red guilds, so be it. Don't bitch about it if you're on the sharp end of the stick, become better and form alliances so you can stand against that threat. It would make it more fun and challenging for the reds too. If you don't like pvp? Make sure you're protected somehow. There's many ways to achieve that.

BoP has been robbing people for a few weeks now, and we loot people, yes. But we don't care about items and loot. It's the thrill of robbing we do it for. We're also good sports, you can ask anyone. We've returned items to people, some of them for free, for example some elites that had sentimental value to them. Yet lots of people are starting to complain about there being too many robbers around. If there's too many robbers, there must be a reason for it, no? BoP has been making deals and alliances with other guilds since the start, and now it seems most (active) red guilds are united. Why? Not because we wanna mess up your fun, but because we can and because the shard evolves and so do the players and the RP. What's to stop law or any other guild from creating an 'army' to fight the red threat? It's all about choices and decisions.

Play the game the way you enjoy it most and stop whining if something doesn't go the way you like, do something about it or ask others to do something about it.

Finally, I wish to apologize for my long post.
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Re: Pangaea Status

Post by Biggs »

Johnny Walac wrote:
Biggs wrote:FYI....3 religion alliance there is no such thing.

the problem with the server atm is tekstone/nox alliance should never of happend, or been allowed. But you an change your religion RP to what you like either way i dont care just looking out for the little people.
Hahaha Biggs :lol: Imperial actually helps out Law and Nature against Tekstone. 3 Religions. And you complain when Tekstone fights with a robber group?

:lol: :lol: :lol:
you'll find I stopped imperial from fighting alongside those two groups due to Roleplay it makes no sense no matter the situation for imperial to fight along side law, i made it perfectly clear through the correct channels within imperial to prevent such thing happening again, ofcourse there are rogues in all religions that take it upon themselves or wish to play there character in a certain way but ultimatly that is upto them aslong as the rest of us are fine with that.

*edit* also note the part "the little people" - by this i mean non religion / non guilded / neutral guilds factions.
Last edited by Biggs on Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pangaea Status

Post by Ivan »

Imo everything is in good balance until 3 religions ally each others...

Just a notice that the only pvp that happens on pang, happens between nox,bop,telbo,tek vs law,imp,nature,woa or some other small guild.

There is pretty clear line pulled between "bad" and "good" guys on pang nowdays, there is no more grey groups like imperial used to be etc. Also three-way fight is not possible.

Those who are not part of this are most likely not forced to pvp since people never fight back in robbing situation, they always choose running.

Oh and btw. most of you understand why robbers ally tekstone? its because they want safety from stone. Without whole stone we perhaps wouldnt need to ally them and you could stop whining. Most of the time example nox wants just pvp for fun and for gear.

And biggs no one cares about how tome should be used, its like buying gheals "wohoo im more powerful now!". There is no code for pvping with tomes (example tyrion) always even hp comes gank us with small group...
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Re: Pangaea Status

Post by Biggs »

seems i am mistaken in the absence of our HP a group of imperial allowed such to happen. someone will be pissed when he returns home later this evening :D
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Re: Pangaea Status

Post by Zaradon »

Aznar wrote: Play the game the way you enjoy it most and stop whining if something doesn't go the way you like, do something about it or ask others to do something about it.
Ivan wrote: Without whole stone we perhaps wouldnt need to ally them and you could stop whining. Most of the time example nox wants just pvp for fun and for gear.

So, what do you guys expect the players to think about your remarks? 'Stop whining, whiner!' is the only top-defense on the forums as in, trying to make a whiner out of me instead of thinking i am trying to find a better solution for all you ignorants. This poll is democratic choice, not a whinepost so stick to the poll and stop ruining it. Valid remarks are always welcome but this 'i hads a bigger e-peen than you' wont get you nowhere.

Maybe, if im not going to be jailed out of forums i will open an idea section for balancing this junk since the RP in the game is completely out of the question, due to the lack of ignorance and overwhelmed 'e-peen'

If you have no clue what i am trying to do, please keep your comments for yourself.

Two cents.