I started a political blog

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Kent Strider

Re: I started a political blog

Post by Kent Strider »

Opinions, bleh! I honestly don't have one for the subject. The entire system itself is flawed, everyones is. Then again, just an opinion.
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Tyrion, I was speaking about Finland. Obviously I've no idea how things are aboard. I just personally know a lot of people who are smart and capable, who say they have no money but yet they do nothing to change it. They wait that things change on their own. They all suffer from mental problem and depression. But the thing is, I believe most of these mental problems could be fixed and cured should they get some basic things of life in order such as work, home, friends and family. (Of course there are those who have lost their family, got fired from work or even lost their own firm and thus fall to depression) However, it doesn't happen on its own and that's the problem. I know it's hard to take the step when you're feeling down and really don't "care" about it, but that's the only fix to it. There's no pill and no doctor that can cure your laziness.
Jalel Emir
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Jalel Emir »

Whenever you whine about the system being flawed and you'd be better without it.
Remember you could get a job and be without it.
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Glarundis »

Darian Darkmind wrote:Tyrion, I was speaking about Finland. Obviously I've no idea how things are aboard. I just personally know a lot of people who are smart and capable, who say they have no money but yet they do nothing to change it. They wait that things change on their own. They all suffer from mental problem and depression. But the thing is, I believe most of these mental problems could be fixed and cured should they get some basic things of life in order such as work, home, friends and family. (Of course there are those who have lost their family, got fired from work or even lost their own firm and thus fall to depression) However, it doesn't happen on its own and that's the problem. I know it's hard to take the step when you're feeling down and really don't "care" about it, but that's the only fix to it. There's no pill and no doctor that can cure your laziness.

i agree a lot with this. i think this is a very big problem with many people, even i feel it sometimes (even though i'm studying and working), but i just feel the system is so badly broken i just want it to change, but apparently there's nothing we can do to change. the only people that can change are the ones with money, and the ones with money don't want it to change. so there's no possible solution unless there's a global revolution. i'm pacifist, but i see no other way for it to happen. really. everyday you see people getting unemployed, crisis here, crisis there (it's not even a real crisis..did the aliens come and steal our goods?or was there a world war destroying our factories and goods?bah..) all of that is just the "bad side" of capitalism, and while it should pass and be "fixed", i think maybe it's better to get worse, and worse, and even worse, so bad that people will revolt. otherwise, if it's only "a little bit" bad, it'll pass and we'll be in the same "so so" situation

but i just got away from what darian was talking about :/ imo those "mental problems" have a social reason. maybe the people that have it, even though we can blame it to them being lazy and stuff, and partially it's true, it also means they see the picture more than the common folk, and that's what probably makes them so pessimistic -> depression.

everyone else is just like, shit i gotta get out of home and work work work, so that i can have money and buy my items and be rich. but soon the illusion will disappear
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Ivan »

We shouldnt judge people because they choose to live the way they want. Basicaly our welfare system allows this and imo its not wrong to live that way if you want to. But ofcourse if you want to own a house, have a family etc. you basicaly need a job to upkeep that all. If you want something you must pay for it, some people just dont want any of that and they live "free". So there is actualy no point in arguing this whole matter, when other people are happy to eat noodles and tuna everyday a month and have a beer when they get a bit of extra. And afterall everyone of us chooses our own ways to live our lives.

Imo its awesome that someone can be arsed to show young the way to fight since its pretty much bullshit to try to study without having enough money for living. Jobs are basicaly around here hard to get if you dont have family/friend contacts to the working places, yes i've fought with that problem for a sometime. Cant get even a damn job for summer because of such bullshit.
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Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Darian Darkmind wrote:No offence man, but seriously... reading your blog did nothing but piss me off. Isn't it time for you to get a hold of your life, quit UO and get a job?
annoy people by calling them with a phone and selling stupid sh1t to them?

if your work has a real purpose, i thank you for paying taxes for me.

to cause ecocatastrophe and oh the awesomeness of never-ending-economical-growth


i rather hang myself
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Shadow_Nirvana wrote:Get a haircut and get a real job?
if a punk rocker haircut means i cannot get the job

i don't want the job either

i will not dress up like a dork. would you dress up like mickey mouse just to get a job? punk & skin for the win.

I am a man, a man with a masculine identity, and I have my right to express my masculinity by dressing masculine.
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Glarundis »

maximilian, i get it, i agree, but there must be some work you can that has real purpose no?

when you can't find a meaning for your life, it sucks, and sooner than later you'll find yourself passing day by day without any meaning. you gotta find a meaning for your life, and you can find good stuff to do, not just flip burgers because you have to pass time. there has to be atleast one thing you can do.
if nothing seems to occur you, atleast go back to university and go study international relations or sociology.
sociology seems your best bet, atleast you'll get to discuss these things that trouble you, and share it with other people. your work will be actively thinking about these issues, tackling them, finding ways to deal with them. bit by bit, you can make a difference, even if it's small.
remember john lennon, "you may say i'm a dreamer but i'm not the only one, i hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one". this cannot happen overnight, but in the meantime, you must both work for it and hope it.
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Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Glarundis wrote:maximilian, i get it, i agree, but there must be some work you can that has real purpose no?

when you can't find a meaning for your life, it sucks, and sooner than later you'll find yourself passing day by day without any meaning. you gotta find a meaning for your life, and you can find good stuff to do, not just flip burgers because you have to pass time. there has to be atleast one thing you can do.
if nothing seems to occur you, atleast go back to university and go study international relations or sociology.
sociology seems your best bet, atleast you'll get to discuss these things that trouble you, and share it with other people. your work will be actively thinking about these issues, tackling them, finding ways to deal with them. bit by bit, you can make a difference, even if it's small.
remember john lennon, "you may say i'm a dreamer but i'm not the only one, i hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one". this cannot happen overnight, but in the meantime, you must both work for it and hope it.
planning social psychology, sociology, law. fvcking costly sh1t. feeling like i was being used, falling a victim to System... getting ripped off.

also, for finns, some of my history

(8:30:15 PM) Pexi: ei toi nussimiskyky tosin niin tärkeä
(8:30:17 PM) Pexi: ku ei oo akkaakaan
(8:30:45 PM) Pexi: käytännössä näkyy vaan silleen, että panettaa harvoin, ja kyrpä on lötkö. runkkaan sitten pornosivuilla joskus harvoin...
(8:30:58 PM) Pexi: ennen lääkkeitä koko ajan kulli kova
(8:31:03 PM) Pexi: ja nettijutut akkojen kans panetti
(8:31:06 PM) Pexi: hiki vaul
(8:31:14 PM) Pexi: lääkkeet alko, oon ihan kylmä nyt. :D
(8:31:18 PM) Pexi: asialla hyvä puolensaki
(8:31:33 PM) Pexi: runkkasin 5 kertaa päivässä ku hyvännäkösten naisten kans sai netis puhuu panemisesta. :D
(8:31:53 PM) Pexi: mut olin sillon 20 eli pahimmassa viriili-kolli-iässä, ja 0-lääkityksellä
(8:32:12 PM) Pexi: 21 alotin syömään masareita
(8:32:19 PM) Pexi: ja masareita on menny siis ny 7 v putkeen
(8:32:25 PM) Pexi: joka päivä masennuslääkettä 7 vuoden ajan
Last edited by Maximilian Lhoth on Tue Mar 13, 2012 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Darian Darkmind »

How were you victimized by the system? How did it screw you up?
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