I started a political blog

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Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Darian Darkmind wrote:How were you victimized by the system? How did it screw you up?
if fed me shit tasting food in its schools and forced me to pray to jesus even if i'm an atheist ("ruokarukous, kouluruokailu")

its school institute lacked guards and i was beated up (also knife was used against me to threaten me in system's school). the guy who used a knife against me is the legendary Jani Raappana of "Reindeerspotting". (Nowadays dead, Cambodian gangsters hanged the poor guy, he probably stepped on too big guys' feet I believe... rest in pieces..)

its mental institute into which it forced me for 7 months sucked and one of the male nurses was sexually harassing me when i was underage (14-15) and no one of system's workers gave a fuck. also mental institute lacked guards and i was beaten by other psychiatric inmate (one inmate only, tho, and not badly)

they force me to go to army, sivari or jail only because i have a penis which is just a big version of clitoris... and it wants people who have been 7 months in psych ward to ARMY, what a moronic system!

it tells me what drug i can use and what i cannot, even if the illegal drug was safer and milder than the legal one

it does not care for its weak - the young, the elderly, the disadvantaged

it limits my freedom of express ("kiihottaminen kansanryhmää vastaan, uskonrauhan rikkominen")
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Darian Darkmind
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Darian Darkmind »

I can't of course say anything to what has been done to you in school or any other way you've been wronged, it sucks to be bullied etc. But it's not the system that screwed you there. It can't give us everything, not even protection unless we seek it and ask for it ourselves. It's not perfect nor can it ever be, but it's still one of the best in the world. Can't really except it to babysit you through life, there's no country, no money in world that could do that. Unless you of course suggest that the tax rates should be increased so that those who work earn as much as those who don't work and get the money for free... and I'm pretty sure you know yourself that won't and can't happen as everyone would quit their jobs then.
it does not care for its weak - the young, the elderly, the disadvantaged
Aren't you living by our welfare system? How can you say it doesn't take care of them while you yourself are doing fine playing UO. The system even paid for your schools, your medication and your trip to mental institution. If it didn't care it would not do that. It does that in hope for you to get better, to get back to society, but it can't force you... it's ultimately up to you to make the decision of changing your life, forgetting the past wrongs and continue on. The dude who bullied you, who hit you with a knife is already dead... he was obviously fucked up so you can't blame the system for what he did to you, it was all him and his fucked up mind.

Also, again, no one is forcing you to live in Finland if this is such a horrible place to live in. There's a lot of things I don't like about Finland such as the progressive tax-rate, but hell, some of us have to take care of those who can't take care of themselves by paying for their living.
Last edited by Darian Darkmind on Tue Mar 13, 2012 8:03 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by aldath c'om »

Stop taking those pills. Summer is coming and you can grow your own meds in there lapland. Just dont smoke everyday. It makes u lazy eventually
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Glarundis »

Maximilian Lhoth wrote:
planning social psychology, sociology, law. fvcking costly sh1t. feeling like i was being used, falling a victim to System... getting ripped off.
yes, it's costly!
but if you wanna do something about it, go to work so you can study that shit. i hate to say it, but in a way, you must enter the system to destroy it from within. you can't destroy it from outside. you gotta be a virus. fighting it from outside won't work, unless you could find billions of people with your exact ideas.

i can't tell you what about being beaten up and sexually harassed, by many people have to go through that and it sucks.
and many people have been bullied at school, even i was somewhat bullied at school.
you gotta face the situations and understand you are a person who can be stronger than that.
too bad you're an atheist (you and everyone else here :P), you could actually find that instead of controling you, religion wants to free you from that crap you're fighting against.

and if by any change you're refering to alcohol and cannabis/weed/marijuana, no, weed is not safer than alcohol. i've had both, and not all the alcohol i've had for the past 11 years (and i started with 12) will ever compare to how fucked up i was for months just because of one joint i smoked. and even not counting my personal experience, go talk to people who study/work with drugs and their social impacts.

while alcohol may physically damage your brain, there's no way it will fuck with the depths of your psyche as much as weed does
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Darian Darkmind wrote:- someone who pays your living
Happen to know that I'm not a "äidinmaitososialisti" but a "lehmänmaitososialisti" and come from a wealthy family? 96500/Rovaniemi is a mixed ghetto/upper middle class suburb.

Not going to have children. Have no children. I want to get sterilization too, but afaik system does not allow... not sure. Condom + coitus interruptus combo shall do. Besides, real men enter women by the backdoor and consider the Vagina to exist for only making children. Read Marquis de Sade's "Justine"... this is discussed in the "first part" of it.

- someone whose big money the System will get when he dies
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Glarundis »

yes, marquis de sade is the guy who will give you the best advices about everything :roll:

look, don't just whine about the entire existence of yourself, realize that you can be happy. but for that you gotta start with some effort.

or are you just a bunch of electrons that eventually formed a human being, but there's no meaning in it?don't waste your life friend
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Andoriel »

glar religion is the opium of people...it can very well have the same effect as drug if its followed. Specialy " live decent this life like a sheep and you'll be in heaven next" ideology of religion can make people seriosly passive, and believing all seing fair man up in the sky that will punish those who do harm in next life solves Nothing. Try not to promote it even if you are doing it out of good will.
As for max, i am sorry to hear all this. As you see from the reaction you are geting you are only worth as your money/career basic human values are so degenerated that human beings have alianated themself from eachother. This is mostly due to the individualism comes with the capitalism.
Anywho if you wish to fix things that you had to go through you have to begin your struggle by puting yourself in line of production, interacting with everyday workers/lower class people who happen to live through similar experiences. You know the ones that states look like it cares but in reality they couldnt give less shit. Anarco individualism is not realy the awnser, and " fuck the system yo, one man against the world" adatue doesnt realy change anything.
Cant realy tell you much more then this realy, not without knowing you face to face first. But you are not the first person i seen in this stuation.
Last edited by Andoriel on Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Glarundis »

the thing is, it's only in your eyes and many other ppl that religion is like that. i see it very differently. if you saw something so good, would you not promote it? (even if it was bad)
i just feel sad because the lot of you cannot see what i see in religion, for some reason you think it's to control people and stuff. but not to worry, i'll talk to you about this through icq because i really think you think about stuff and i like your political ideas in some ways.
right there, you said religion is about "" live decent this life like a sheep and you'll be in heaven next" ideology of religion can make people seriosly passive, and believing all seing fair man up in the sky that will punish those who do harm in next life". well then, why am i religious, part of a church, and i think it's the exact opposite?
there's nothing passive in it, the closer you are to god, the closer you are to other people and want to fight injustices. but for some reason that is beyond me, people think it's about "keep your mouth shut and you'll be in heaven". that makes no sense at all. shit, you can say you don't believe in god because of this and that and that, but atleast (you and everyone else) try to believe me when i say religion is not about all that crap you think it is.

i'll continue in icq ^^
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by cridan »

amen too that :P

i feel the same
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Re: I started a political blog

Post by Vaux27 »

Maximilian Lhoth wrote:
Darian Darkmind wrote:- someone who pays your living
Happen to know that I'm not a "äidinmaitososialisti" but a "lehmänmaitososialisti" and come from a wealthy family? 96500/Rovaniemi is a mixed ghetto/upper middle class suburb.

Not going to have children. Have no children. I want to get sterilization too, but afaik system does not allow... not sure. Condom + coitus interruptus combo shall do. Besides, real men enter women by the backdoor and consider the Vagina to exist for only making children. Read Marquis de Sade's "Justine"... this is discussed in the "first part" of it.

- someone whose big money the System will get when he dies

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