Spreading The Corruption

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Spreading The Corruption

Post by Bloodtouch »

It has come to my ears that an officer of the law had been constantly using the so called Plague to cause great damage to Her Holy Temple located in Moonglow , at first I thought that the inn keep was actually making one of his jokes...
Until one day when I was making my daily checks to ensure that every citizen and everything was fine and sensed one of Her Emissaries being attacked. I rushed to scene where these acts of aggression were being developed and I saw Officer Lhoth playing one of his smart and evil tricks...treating one of his owns summons as garbage and infecting it with the help of some plague bearers that were scattered over the lands and sending it on a suicide mission to attack the guards with the hopes of creating more of the vicious creatures and make a chain reaction effect. The summon succeeded in plaguing the guards and emissaries within the Temple , fortunately Brother Raoul was there to help cure the disease I went after him but couldn't catch him. It is indeed painful to watch corruption and plague flow under the eyes of Nature while they do nothing...

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Re: Spreading The Corruption

Post by Tyrion »

Scoudrel' da lot o' dem white-robed officers o' da law! Spreadin' plague an' reekin' 'avoc on defensless merchan's. Oughta be 'shamed 'o yerself fer lowerin' yer standards to dat o' evil men! Ain't ye been outlaw'd dem necros fer trumpped up charges' an allied to dem brown-coated ones 'an now ye reduce yerselfs to the use of spreadin' plague!?! Scandalis behavior if I 'ver seen! Fer shame I says, fer shame!

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Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: Spreading The Corruption

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

No Dennac or necromancers have been involved. Plague also occurs naturally, and if it happens to "accidentally" hit an emissary of Esuna, it hits the right target. Fire, poison, energy, snograz, iron - anything goes, as long as it hurts the orange monster. I personally prefer biological weaponry combined with arcane arts and purifying divine fire to weaken and initially destroy Esuna's emissaries and the scoundrels guarding them - finally hoping to destroy Esuna.

History has shown that Esuna is worse than Dennac. Dennac at least is openly demonic and destructive - but Esuna, I despise that backstabbing two faced usurper and those who worship it.

Order of Nature is aware of everything and I believe they have priorities too. If a necromancer was to kill cultists of Tekstone, they would of course despise his career choice, but I bet some members of Nature would give a silent acceptance and respect to that certain necromancer.

We, Order of Law, actually also have necromancer allies and Order of Nature is aware of this. The necromancers stay out of sight if Order of Nature is alongside us on the battlefield. We have made a compromise with Order of Nature anyway; within our towns necromantic behaviour is not accepted, this includes wearing necromancer specific gear such as shrouds of death and casting necromantic spells. This law has been made to show respect to our ally, Order of Nature, which finds necromancy offensive. Necromancy also scares or disgusts some non-religious citizens of our towns. Imperial towns are full of cultists and all kinds of perverts, so the fresh, beautiful nature of Britain or Yew is certainly a lovely sight for most, who have seen Moonglow.

Order of Nature is no fundalist about this issue anyway - they are known to not hurt law abiding necromancers for example, except some people who have left Nature long ago and joined Tekstone, as they had murderous and militaristic expansionist minds anyway and didn't fit in Order of Nature in my opinion. They were just abusing Gaea's powers or maybe trying to turn Order of Law against Nature. We in Law were smart and noticed that most of the members of Nature silently disagreed and left them alone, outlawing only the troublemakers. The militaristic ones were trying to corrupt Nature, even turning it into some kind of "empire" starting from "Free City of Yew". For them, Nature was about war, not peace and ecological thinking.

Our religions do differ, but besides the issue of necromancy and to some extent animal rights, we mostly get along and have too many shared goals and enemies. They do know that if I see plague in Yew, I'm quick to cure it and get rid of it.

These are my personal views and opinions and I do not represent Order of Law and even less Order of Nature. Neither is this the absolute truth for no one knows the absolute truth.

Stop trying to castrate Order of Law. We are definitely not evil. We are humans, with human personalities, which differ. We are not a mindless army of drones. I do not love my enemy. I love beating the crap out of my enemy. This does not mean I love beating the crap out of everyone, as I said - I love beating the crap out of my enemy. I don't turn the other cheek if you hit me, but I hit you twice as hard. This is Sebastian Lhoth speaking, and Sebastian Lhoth is not a man to mess with. I may wear white and wield no weapon, but I am a threat, a major threat to those certain people, who certainly recognize themselves, reading this.

Sebastian Lhoth
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Re: Spreading The Corruption

Post by Vaux27 »

Dis er' officer rambles on, when their alliance with the nature ones is stronger than ever? Dis er' corruption and excuses for killin is all it looks like, never knew allies of nature to ever use any of that flesh rotting. Sounds like a buncha lies to me, we can't be safe with a mind like dat.

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Re: Spreading The Corruption

Post by Mike »

Your dull tirade exposes a fresh sense of moral relativism.

That aside I have found that plague, when created outside the work of the accomplished mystic, is a curious process with an outerworldly touch. A man can spring such a thing into existance by combining highly concentrated Nightshade extract with pulverized Demon bone. Ponder that when you speak of naturally occuring plague. It is likely that plage without a clearly identified maker is a product of demonic influence in certain areas where it can bind with this essence.

Titus Albinus
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Re: Spreading The Corruption

Post by Quintoz »

Cool your mind Sebastian it is not yet time for you to return home.

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Re: Spreading The Corruption

Post by Bloodtouch »

You said you made a compromise with Nature that no necromantic behavior was accepted inside the towns controlled by Lord British? Ouch , tell that to Gwyidion North and his dark-blue death robe that usually uses while at the inn that...is ''terrorizing'' every citizen that lays sight on him , that make children have horrible nightmares when they sleep and make flowers whiter wherever he lays a foot. And Nature only did this ''pact'' because they were weak , because they were OBLIGATED to do it , you forced them or else you wouldn't help them defend their temple and in other matters. But you know what ? You only made things worse , now you jeopardized your own life , the life of the other officers , and the faith of Nature. If you think you can ''beat the crap out of your enemy'' then come face your enemy and die ...hmm I think our storage is too full for your head though , will give it to the dogs then.
And has for your little ...''Biochemical Suicide All Terrain Earth Elemental''...you say Nature isn't worried about the poor little puppies and kitties you kill with it? and the trees that are currently dying , which I am doing the all the possibilities to cure them, with the plague that is corroding? Doesn't sound like Nature at all : Necromancers secretly wearing death robes inside the towns , all the living things dying because of your ''creative tactic'' and doing nothing about it.
I thought Law were the corrupted ones...but I still think they will redeem themselves , after all THEY ARE smart.
As for your actions...you will think about them when laid in stone. The feeling of being motionless making you insane , blind as a bat only stone covering your corrupt and dark eyes , the pain as the stone , now your body , is breaking by the force of the wind...the excitement just by thinking of it!
The Imperium will not tolerate such words towards our army , towards the beauty of our cities , towards our Brothers and Sisters and towards Esuna Herself !!
This I promise , every time you come to Her sacred temple and anyone sees you ...I will be there to ''beat the crap out of you''

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Re: Spreading The Corruption

Post by Darian Darkmind »

Thank you Sebastian Lhoth for coming worth and openly admiting it is you who is guilty of these actions. You mark Dennac and Esuna as evil, yet during this war it has not been us who have harmed the innocent citizens of Britannia. We've done our best to avoid harming those we are trying to save from you. You, however, have constantly done so by attacking Moonglow and other Imperial towns killing all and anyone else residing in them. The difference between our two alliances is that where we are trying to free and save the people of Britannia, you're only trying to kill and destroy all of Imperial and their people. The fact that we have seized the useage of plague and your capital Britain has been a safe place versus your constant questionable attacks against Imperial town speks for this. We fight with honor whereas you are trying to poke the sleeping beast, to annoy it until it bites. You will fail.

Your words only show the people of Britannia your true colors and my dearest wish is that they see them. You are what you fight against, evil to the heart. Just knowing that winning this war means the end of you, shows us we truly are truly rightful. We are the liberation and the salvation that will free this world from the plague that is men like you.

The only weapon Winchester ever had over us was his unbreakable honor and the will to do the right thing. He was un-corruptable. You justify your actions by blaming it on the war, but you and your Order have failed Winchester when you've fell to "Any means necessary". This day marks the end of your era. When you fight with any means necessary, you've already forgotten why Winchester gave his life to save the kingdom, why he is your god and what he stands for. It is no longer about justice, honor and doing the right thing... it is all about hating and destroying your enemy. You've turned to what you've tried to fight whereas we've surely ascended to something greater.

We might have done questionable, unhonorable deeds once, but those times are over and a new page is turned now. It is no secret that for years we tried to break you by constant vicious attacks. Those attacks only strengthened you and brought your citizens closer to you. Only now I've realized all it took from us to shake, crack and break your code of honor was to do the right, honorable and good deed, to save and protect the people. It appears doing what you did and doing it better was enough to shatter your fragile egos. When we are no longer a threat to the good and innocent people of Britannia, you are no longer needed or embraced... and this is something you cannot accept.

Darian Darkmind
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Re: Spreading The Corruption

Post by Maximilian Lhoth »

Darian Darkmind, to refresh your memory:

It was Imperial who stabbed us in the back. The armistice was broken without warning - with a sneak attack to Trinsic. Law wanted peace and gave Imperial much of space to live to avoid violence. It worked for quite long. Before that armistice Britain was constantly under attack by Imperial.

All of my clashes are not definitely "epic victorious battlse of good versus evil", I have done sneaky attacks. Still I can tell you, even as I am unarmed, most armed people of your new love affair, Imperial, especially, are afraid to just approach me alone, man versus man. Even armed ones may be willing to just flee, and likely I shall except them to appear after 5 minutes with 3 men.

"By any means necessary"... to refresh your memory again, Law has been even allied to Tekstone to stop the Imperial invasion. Naturally I would never trust Tekstone and if I found myself in that situation it would be hard for me to decide what to do. Most likely I would passively protest.

There are eight components of the virtue paradigm: Compassion, Honesty, Honor, Humility, Justice, Sacrifice, Spirituality, and Valor. Some of them are very strong in me, some could have been even faint, especially under stress. That is what makes me human.

The words above are meant to represent the views and opinions of Sebastian Lhoth, not Order of Law collectively. To represent the Order we do have a spokesperson.

Sebastian Lhoth
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Re: Spreading The Corruption

Post by Johnny Walac »

The warriors of Gaea fights alongside Necromancers and they let Order of Law spread the plague of Dennac.
Soon enough Gaea will bow for the true father, Dennac. It has already begun...

Johnny Walac
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