Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?
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- Gorath Blackmind
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Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?
Even further proving my point.
- Johnny Walac
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Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?
Gorath Blackmind wrote:Even further proving my point.
I have been posting about a possible alternative route to a successful Pangaea. Some of the playerbase obviously share the same sentiment that something should be done. I belive it's mostly because things like the "Weekly Update" turned into a "Montly Excuse" if even that. It's nothing personal against Blckfire and Co but stuff like that is the worst possibly thing a staff can do as it leads to disappointment and distrust towards the playerbase.
That is what we wish to push forward and see if there are possibilities. Shall we see what you have produced on the subject except blatant crying of timewarp fear and dickriding?
You are clearly out of your element Gorath.
Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?
Lol we start with the "out of your element" lines now 
Relax, it's July..go to the beach for 2 months and come back to the new Pangaea

Relax, it's July..go to the beach for 2 months and come back to the new Pangaea
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Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?
i was away for 2 months and came back to nonexistant pang, why would i do that again?Glarundis wrote:Lol we start with the "out of your element" lines now
Relax, it's July..go to the beach for 2 months and come back to the new Pangaea

- Maximilian Lhoth
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Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?
I didn't vote because I don't have a clue what's the plan for Pangaea anyway.
How about proto-religions as a temporary solution to some problems, worst of them being priest being unable to play (hunt outside of Despise). Requirement of 10 accounts, one religion per account. Deities should have some basic traits defined, but no complete RP story yet. GM's would make sure the deity makes sense, we don't want joke/protest religions. The deities of the proto-religions could be the old deities reinstated as well, but this wouldn't have effect on their tomes. Every religion would have identical tome for now. Temple locations would be houses outside guardzones chosen by the player alliance forming the religion and accepted by GM's as RP-wise suitable location for a temple.
The initial account requirement to form new proto-religions would eventually grow higher if there were religions already existing or playerbase became too high for the low requirement of 10. It shouldn't be fixed, but related to the amount of existing proto-religions and the typical online count. With the current online count, I feel like 10 would be ok for the first religion.
Fixed 20 piety to all knights and rangers, 30 to priests and monks. Or if possible, 25 and 35. Auto & max 30 priest sounds a bit weak, auto 40 sounds a bit too high, to me.
Proto-religion tome would include all sacraments, Abjuration, Armament, Beatification, Conflagration, Convocation, Create Focus, Discorporation, Divine Sanctity, Effulgence, Empyrean Sigils, Encumberance, Ennervation, Freedom, Immolation, Intervention, Libation, Purification, Restoration, Resurrection, Retribution, Untrodden Paths. As extra, of rituals, also religion steed. The rite limitation in my plan is to avoid the proto-religions becoming "ruling powers" at least for now, still making priests playable.
Player-made RP, equal tomes, playable priest, no OP characters, no major GM control over religion. Sounds good to me. Decent even as a permament solution, but not ideal.
How about proto-religions as a temporary solution to some problems, worst of them being priest being unable to play (hunt outside of Despise). Requirement of 10 accounts, one religion per account. Deities should have some basic traits defined, but no complete RP story yet. GM's would make sure the deity makes sense, we don't want joke/protest religions. The deities of the proto-religions could be the old deities reinstated as well, but this wouldn't have effect on their tomes. Every religion would have identical tome for now. Temple locations would be houses outside guardzones chosen by the player alliance forming the religion and accepted by GM's as RP-wise suitable location for a temple.
The initial account requirement to form new proto-religions would eventually grow higher if there were religions already existing or playerbase became too high for the low requirement of 10. It shouldn't be fixed, but related to the amount of existing proto-religions and the typical online count. With the current online count, I feel like 10 would be ok for the first religion.
Fixed 20 piety to all knights and rangers, 30 to priests and monks. Or if possible, 25 and 35. Auto & max 30 priest sounds a bit weak, auto 40 sounds a bit too high, to me.
Proto-religion tome would include all sacraments, Abjuration, Armament, Beatification, Conflagration, Convocation, Create Focus, Discorporation, Divine Sanctity, Effulgence, Empyrean Sigils, Encumberance, Ennervation, Freedom, Immolation, Intervention, Libation, Purification, Restoration, Resurrection, Retribution, Untrodden Paths. As extra, of rituals, also religion steed. The rite limitation in my plan is to avoid the proto-religions becoming "ruling powers" at least for now, still making priests playable.
Player-made RP, equal tomes, playable priest, no OP characters, no major GM control over religion. Sounds good to me. Decent even as a permament solution, but not ideal.
Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?
I think that if that would be a solution, it would have been implemented already. However, I wonder if that would actually make people play. I guess people want the finished product instead of something that will make priest a little more tolerant to play. To be honest, I have no idea why people are waiting so much for religions. Yeah, I'd like to once again use my monk and stuff, but wouldn't the people that want religions back actually want even more some sort of fighting system/siege system where you can actually battle against your opponents and "win"?
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Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?
We don't have either a religion system or siege system, as far as I know nothing is being worked on until the religions are done.Glarundis wrote:I think that if that would be a solution, it would have been implemented already. However, I wonder if that would actually make people play. I guess people want the finished product instead of something that will make priest a little more tolerant to play. To be honest, I have no idea why people are waiting so much for religions. Yeah, I'd like to once again use my monk and stuff, but wouldn't the people that want religions back actually want even more some sort of fighting system/siege system where you can actually battle against your opponents and "win"?
I was sent a heated icq close to a month ago about my suggestions, I believe I had already made my suggestions both publicly and privately on the forums and over icq to other players and blckfire.
Honestly, my suggestions are a moot point, I said early on Pangaea was live very prematurely and should have stayed offline until a religion system was done. My other suggestions included recycling old code from other projects and possibly the old religion system, recycle as much as possible it lessens the burden of having to reinvent the wheel, once religions are done begin the serious work toward a pol core upgrade, many things have been ironed out server side with the latest pol core including smooth boats, more scriptability in terms of the spells system (more control is given to the scripter(s) as opposed to most everything being locked away in the core with little control) as ... -judgesell as a plethora of other goodies. There has been a lot of great suggestions on here while I'm not a huge fan of a time warp and I'll probably be done as a player at least at that point, I get why people are disgruntled and want a return to old Pangaea, but it seems a knee jerk reaction to piss off some of those like myself who have trained their heightened skills and have raised each of them by a whole 1% in the time Pangaea has been running this time around.
As for why people are waiting to get religions, I don't even know if that's the reason anymore, I know people who have priests feel dicked because their resist was dropped well before tomes were accessible and still aren't. Lest we forget there are 4 classes deemed utterly useless without tomes, that's a nice gloss over point many people claiming religions aren't needed do. People feel transgressed as anyone with a brain can tell because time and time again, time frames were given and repeatedly broken, this is more likely the reason for lack of players.
Personally, if Blckfire is still plugging away, let him, nothing is stopping anyone past staff at least from getting a scripter and running a fork of pang. But that's the issue isn't it, scripters, not set easy to come by.
The black market was a way of getting around government controls. It was a way of enabling the free market to work. It was a way of opening up, enabling people. - Milton Friedman
Re: Is Pangaea heading in a positive direction?
Adventurer's guild is re-vamped, code wise, maybe you'll see some small changes IG, but it's going only live a little bit further, when religions are release, most likely to track and fix possible bugs.
This means I will now be moving towards religions.
I would also like to let you guys know that we will be getting some help from one or two interested parts from our community, which should help development move faster, after they receive a crash course on POL and Pangaea's code and what it should look like going forward. (this takes time but will compensate medium to long term)
This means I will now be moving towards religions.
I would also like to let you guys know that we will be getting some help from one or two interested parts from our community, which should help development move faster, after they receive a crash course on POL and Pangaea's code and what it should look like going forward. (this takes time but will compensate medium to long term)