Phew. Been real busy RL but I got some updates in. Here's the beef:
Esuna's Curse - Now works like a druid curse, only on NPC's, cursing the monster's magery, evalint and magic resist.
Esuna's Blessing - Grants a bonus of +3 to +5 to all merchant skills. Can only be casted on Imperials.
Earthen wardens now cost 3 fertile dirt instead of 5.
Elemental protection now has a new ongoing animation for the duration of the rite.
Grim aura - Cap adjusted
Banshee's wail - Area version no longer available, cap adjusted to match Malleus.
Salvation no longer requires jailtime. Salvation can only be performed on characters with 60 days from last murder count. The 900k maximum payment limit has been removed. Salvation removes robber status.
Rite updates 22.4
Rite updates 22.4
Hear it not my lord, for it is a knell. That summons thee to heaven, or to hell.
Re: Rite updates 22.4
Banshee's wail no longer consumes mana or chants if targetted on self. It simply shows cancelled.
Hear it not my lord, for it is a knell. That summons thee to heaven, or to hell.