- The following weapons have been boosted:
- Excecutioners axe
- Double axe
- Large battle axe
- Two handed axe
- Druid staff
- Mage staff
- Double bladed staff
- Pike
Crescent blade has been nerfed back to a sparring weapon.
- Hides:
- Stone giant hide effect has been boosted
- Royal dragon hide effect has been boosted
- Black dragon hide effect and AR has been boosted
- Thunderbird bone AR has been boosted
- Ophidian bone AR has been boosted
- Terathan bone AR has been boosted
- Cacodaemon bone AR has been boosted
- Giant bone AR has been nerfed
3. Basic rites update
- All basic rites (sacraments and holy rites) are now identical for all 4 religions. You may notice small changes in mana consumption of the following rites:
- Apotheosis
- Banishment
- Discorporation
- Corruption
- Divine Sanctity
- Encumberance
- Freedom
- Ennervation
- Immolation
- Malediction (currently banned to use)
- Purification
- Retribution
- Restoration
- Resurrection
- Unthrodden Paths
- - Veritas is slightly easier to cast (Law, Imperial, Nature)
- Esuna's curse is easier to cast (Imperial)
- Malleus now does the same damage to reds and blues (Law)
- Keening is now identical with Malleus (Tekstone)
- - Malachite ores poison resist has been nerfed (from 10 to 8 per part)
- Cacodaemon no longer drops daemon bones
- Assassins statscap has been boosted from 260 to 265
- The speed of wrestling has been boosted
- Change in nightmare petslots: from 12 to 9 (gives druids the ability to pokehunt with 2 nightmares)
- Monk knuckles now stun from critical hits
- Boris