- Small fine-tuning on Dissimulo rite
- Libation can't be used on locked down items
- Doppelgangers now take form of the attacker
- Fixed a bug with Interdiction stones
- Blessed stones are limited to one at a time
- Adventurer guild NPC's and gamblers are immune to plague for performance reasons
- Water elemental scrolls no longer have a chance to summon an ice elemental
- Earth elemental scrolls no longer have a chance to summon a granite elemental
- With 100% Evaluating Intelligence, you can no longer cast earth elementals (they're always either sand or granite)
- You now recieve new items when creating a new character
- Arnament has more power on knuckled gloves
Updates 10.10.
Updates 10.10.
Leather armor is best for sneaking, because it's literally made from hide.
Re: Updates 10.10.
- Boris
- Boris
Leather armor is best for sneaking, because it's literally made from hide.