- Guard zones are now tied to town stones
- Holy town stones have been added to holy towns (Britain, Yew, Moonglow, Wind)
- Sieging holy towns is possible, but even in theory almost impossible (requires more piety, guard change rate bigger)- - They're not designed to be sieged, they're simply there for the looks and in order for the new guard system to work
- The following picture is not fully accurate, but it gives you the idea behind the new guard zones
Summoned guards update (Law / Imperial)
- Summoned guards are attached to towns stones
- You can cast guards only in towns you or your allies own (i.e. Law in Yew, Imperial in Wind)
- Summoned guards can't be dispelled
- Summoned guards last for 60 minutes
- Summoned guards can be casted every 60 minutes (cooldown timer: 60 minutes)
- Summoned guards take 8 chants to cast
- Interdiction stones no longer block allies
- Blessed stones no longer attack allies
- Hiding vs. tracking fixed, once again
- Emmisaries no longer attack allies (pending restard)
Updates 1.12.
Updates 1.12.
Leather armor is best for sneaking, because it's literally made from hide.