Sukatai Suran's story - she was formerly named Ula. My first char ever, Ula the Noob. I made her long time ago and I mostly role played on her. After that I havent played for a long while (a year or more) and one day I decided to check my old account again and what I see?

Someone made a necro and named her Ula and gm's made me change the name

even if I had that name before the other did.
Sukatai Suran was just an option for her and I must say I really like it now
Amy Lee - I like name Amy (sounds so girly) and Lee

well i also like martial arts...
Some say from Evanscence singer but NOP, that wasnt the idea.
Robbie Quixton - gms changed it again. I scrolled the web in search of names and popped up with Leviathan

wonder why they changed it
Nymphea - not nymphomaniac as I always have to listen from others
The name is a part of her story - she was found in woods by the lake etc,
Nymphaea is a genus of aquatic plants in the family Nymphaeaceae. Just took off one A.
Suits for her, doesnt it?