



Pangaea Complete Setup with UO-Auto Map

(Backup link)

422 MB This is the only file you need to play on Pangaea. Download and run this file and follow the on screen instruction carefully. Enjoy the shard.
(Last update: 17-11-2013)
Static Update Zip 27.1 MB Static Update for Pangaea. This version is the latest static update on Pangaea.
If you already got UO installed: Download this and extract the files in to your UO folder. (Last update: 17-11-2013)
DoH 2.003 (NEW) 580.62 kB DoH version 2.003. A GM tool, but players can use the luncher part, if you play on other shard then Pangaea. This version is the latest, with a working dot commands, but the client-luncher seem to be bugged somehow.
DoH 1.728 (OLD) 3.31 MB DoH version 1.728. A GM tool, but players can use the luncher part, if you play on other shard then Pangaea. This version is the old, with a working client-luncher, but the dot commands fail 80% of the times.
IrfanView 3.91 808.96 kB IrfanView is an “easy to use” application for rescaling pictures, like your avatar or signature picture. Open the application with ‘i_view32.exe’, then open the picture you want to rescale, and press ctrl+r. This will open the rescale window with all its rescale options.
UO Automap 135.04 kB This is UO Automap, a very useful tool when hunting or exploring the world of Pangaea. It has a chat function as well.
UO Loop (2D only) 46.84 kB This program can simluate a keypress on your computer and is an invaluable tool when performing the same task over and over again – remember that it’s programs like these that gets people cought in the rules about macroing.
UO Loop (Both 2D and 3D) 96.94 kB This program can simluate a keypress on your computer and is an invaluable tool when performing the same task over and over again – remember that it’s programs like these that gets people cought in the rules about macroing.
UO Snapshot 355.56 kB This is an excellent tool to take screenshots on the fly. The program automatically converts the current screen to the .jpg format and has a hotkey to grab the screenshot. You will find this very useful, when dealing with the rules on PvP.
UO-Time 1.45 MB Keeping time in UO can be quite a drag. Especially with all the different time-zones you have to think about. To aid people who have trouble converting time between time-zones Xena Dragon has created this little tool. The UO Time Tool will determine the time-zone you are living in and display the corresponding time in 3 other time zones.
UO TraceRoute 38.17 kB If experience lag to Pangaea, this tool can identify the hops between you and the shard and thereby reveal where the problem lies. Use the IP from your login.cfg.